Gift of a Lifetime

2 months ago

Challenging times can bring beauty and strength forward. I wrote “Gift of a Lifetime” twenty years before I recorded it. As often happens, the lyrics and the vibe of the song feel much more appropriate to our current social situation than when they were written. I speak of the walls of the existing world cracking, revealing a treasure that can now break free. I see many people clinging to their old known worlds in a death grip, attached to a world that doesn’t serve them, but seems familiar and that is enough for them. The way it appeared to me visually was someone clinging to one drop of water as the ocean wrapped around their feet. I felt a new world trying to emerge, one in which we knew we were part of the Universe, divine in our own right, not slaves to incessant propaganda that never stopped trying to remind us to stay in our lane, not speak up, accept the consensus reality that told us we were not special and that we were not valuable. My antidote is perhaps a little bit over the top as I sing, “You are the gift of a lifetime to behold,” but I also think that maybe the push back to the current narrative needs a little bit of an overreach to balance things out.

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