Camming Ability of Actions

1 month ago

First published on our Patreon Channel in 2021.
Randy talks about the importance of camming ability of bolt actions, which actions have the best camming functioning actions. And why it matters.
He also talks about a book he’d read some time ago that was lent to him, The Bolt Action by Stuart Otteson. He comments that he is not sure if it is still available from Wolfe Publishing or not. I did some research. It is available by Wolfe Publishing, Amazon and eBay and other places in CD ROM form. Randy doesn’t “do” CD reading. But I found not only the book he mentions on Abe Books [out of print books] but Volume 2, which he was not aware of.
I ordered both. I gave him volume 1 for his birthday, 2021. He was thrilled. I also got Volume 2 for his Christmas gift in 2021.
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