Cruelty Is In Play

2 months ago

How is cruelty in play? How does it stay in play? The enemy of our soul uses cruelty in so many diabolical ways. The word devil in the greek translation is: “Diabolos” and it means slanderer, false accuser, the devil is the personification of evil, and cruelty is one of his specialties. Cruelly the enemy of your soul will use someone to slander you, to falsely accuse you, and punish you for something you have not done. (Exodus 23:1) This kind of cruelty in play in our nation, communities, and families is the personification of the mean spiritedness of the enemy of our soul.

Cruelty is a crooked path, one we don’t even want to step out on, we need to stay away from anything that would be cruel to another human being. We don’t need to be cruel, because God is our vindicator, (Revelations 12:9-11) the One Who fights our battles well, (Deuteronomy 20:4) and we need to trust God with the battles we face where people are being cruel to us. We need to guard our hearts (Proverbs 4: and be navigated by God’s Holy Spirit.

The crooked path of cruelty is weaved into our nations, communities and families as people serving no power higher than self, driven by the narcissistic influence of the enemy of their soul. People wanting to control people is where cruelty is found most. Mean spiritedness of people who have exchanged the truth for a lie. They “think” doing bad things they can get a good result. Not Truth! Deception! (John 8:44)

The crooked path of cruelty (Proverbs 11:17) is one where your feet walk on the enemy of your soul’s pathway to hell. We must change it up to resemble God’s way, truth and life in us. (Luke 3:5) Cruelty is prevalent in all of our lives through a lack of Godly compassion, mercy and grace. We MUST NOT let cruelty be a part of our lives. (Matthew 7:13-14) We do not control other people, we DO stand underneath the Authority and dynamos power of God, positing ourselves underneath the Rulership of His love, not allowing ourselves to be used by the enemy of our soul in cruelty. Choose kindness over cruelty, because cruelty is a boomerang that will come back on the person who has thrown it out. (Proverbs 26:24-28)

Controlling other people is cruel and very emotionally exhausting for the narcissist. This kind of cruelty is seen in our nations right now. People serving no power higher than self, never works out the way human beings plan it. God always has the final sovereign Word and it is always good and glorious through His deliverance, reconciliation and kindness!

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