Apatros Review Ep-0122: The Terminator [NES, 1992]

2 months ago

AR-0122: The Terminator franchise is my absolute favourite franchise, given that T2 was the film that transformed my life forever. So expect me to cover a LOT of Terminator media over the course of this show.

Now since I'm doing this from worst to best, we'll start with the only Terminator media that I consider to be atrocious - the infamous 1992 adaptation of T1 made for the NES. This 8-bit piece of crap has some awful platforming that is down to incompetent coding and the difficulty can make "Dark Souls" look like a Sunday School picnic. There are cheats you can employ to make things easier [hook in a second controller or configure input for one on your emulator of choice then on that second controller, press the following: B, B, Up, Left, A. This will give you infinite continues and also serves as a level skip] but even then this is a nightmare of a gaming experience that even hardcore masochists will be afraid of...

My Grade: D- [Atrocious]

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