Katonti: Jacob's Prayer - Hebrew English Song filmed at the Jordan River, Galilee, Israel

2 months ago

I never thought I had much in common with the biblical character Jacob until my husband Neta started talking about it. I can relate to how he worked like crazy to get what he had. I can relate to not being sure you are safe in the place where some of your family lives. I can relate to having done things I wish I could take back. I came to Israel with a backpack when I heard the call in my heart, and now I have a family, friends, and a home. Neta and I wrote this song based on Jacob's prayer to God in Genesis 32 when he is returning to his homeland and hears that Esau is coming to meet him with 400 men. Maybe you can relate in some way to Jacob too? Here is part of his prayer:

"I'm unworthy of all the mercies and the faithfulness that you've shown me, your simple servant.
You have blessed and guided me.

"With just a staff I crossed over the Jordan!
And today I'm returning as two companies!

"Oh God save me! What if he kills me?! Remember what you promised me!
Oh God save me! Keep your promises - that you'd bless and prosper me."

Written and Recorded Fall 2024 - January 2025 by Neta Abarbanel and Hope Dayan

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