One man band's performance of materials made from scrap metal

6 years ago

Cologne is considered the secret capital of cabaret in Germany. Supply and demand are huge and lead to a colorful mix of the arts.

The term "Kleinkunst" has developed as a term for productions that are realized with little financial, human and material effort. The genre of cabaret includes above all the theater and the music. Most of the performances are solos of individual artists and come with a simple stage technique. Despite the low funds, many productions are artistically very high quality.

In no other German city do the humor and creativity of the artists blossom in such a way.

Cabaret can be admired in Cologne not only within buildings. Many artists take the street as a stage and show their show in well-frequented squares. These include a wide variety of creatives, such as singers, pantomime, magicians, barrel organ players and many more. These performances are particularly popular with tourists and are usually rewarded with much applause and a donation.

The street artist with the significant name Schrotti is well-known in the city. He maintains the population with a self-created vehicle that consists of garbage parts. He accompanies his singing on the guitar, underlain with the most diverse background noises, which he creates with his car. Incidentally, he still plays on his harmonica and proves to be a true all-rounder.

Shrotti, as hi is called, is probably the most original scrap metal worker in Germany!

Schrotti makes music on collected, screwed-together, mobile scrap metal. This ranges from an ancient Kitekat food can, over old energy-saving bulbs, to a wooden spoon. On his covered vehicle he plays guitar, sings and drums well-known hits! He explains to the passers-by how the sounds come about and how he uses everything in parallel!

Whether Schrotti, the street musician, actually comes from Cologne is a mystery, he keeps showing up here and there every now and then.

The crowd of people around his "Klimperkasten", in any case loves him, and helps him pursue in his mission to create music out of scrap by supporting him financially.

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