Fences Gates and Keys - Keeping Resolutions - UnderDog Report #65

2 months ago

Fences Gates and Keys

00:00 Introduction
00:23 Fences Gates and Keys
00:32 Keeping Resolutions
01:27 Jesus is at the Gate
02:00 Resolutions for Life
02:14 Understanding Fences Gates & Keys
03:11 A Simple Example
03:50 Opening Up a Gate
04:10 Learning Other’s Fences
04:47 Respecting Others Fences
05:06 Keys to Your Gates
05:40Forgiving Others
06:00 Culture & Peer Pressure
06:12 Don’t be Conformed to this World
06:30 Don’t Cheat Others
07:17 Expanding Your Fences
07:38 Mending Fences
07:53 Establish Your Fences Key & Gates
08:10 Keep Your Life’s Resolutions
08:17 End
A recent article from Forbes mad these points regarding 2023 resolutions;
• 37% of Americans had a resolution they wanted to achieve
• 48% listed fitness as their primary goal
• 87% said were very or somewhat likely to keep their “promise”
• The second Friday in January is designated as “Quitter’s Day”
• Only 8% of the people stick to their resolution by the end of January

Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the gate, and call: if anyone hears my voice and opens the gate, I will come in to them, and will dine with them, and they will dine with me.”

Things don’t look good for New Years resolutions. Maybe the focus it wrong since these “promises” are intended to last one year. Maybe that is why 92% fall short in the first month. A better focus for your resolutions are not for a year, but for your life. And an urgent method to help anyone to control their success in achieving their goals, it to understand Fences, Gates, and Keys.

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