May 8th, 2023 - 22a Grande Mosquée de Paris to Panthéon, Pl. du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, France

1 month ago

1st, 2023 - June 2nd, 2023: Europe Trip

May 8th, 2023 - 22a Grande Mosquée de Paris to Panthéon, Pl. du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, France

Paris Sightseeing
Walked to Panthéon, Pl. du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, France
from The Grande Mosquée de Paris, 2bis Pl. du Puits de l'Ermite, 75005 Paris, France
Walking distance: 1.1km Duration: 15 - 30 minutes

From the masjid, we walked along Rue de Quatrefages and then turned left on Rue Lacépède
and walked toward the junction at Hôtel Saint Christophe Paris, 17 Rue Lacépède, 75005 Paris, France

I must say that the walk was quite pleasant as we pass through what must be the old area of Paris. Quaint buildings and not too much traffic.

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