Take The Climate Quiz!: Save Congo's Gorillas

1 month ago

How can humans help Congo's gorillas survive? That's the focus of today's climate quiz which might have you question whether trillions in climate spending are missing the real problem. The quiz examines 6 possible plans to help gorillas survive, challenging some of the mainstream assumptions and maybe leading to unexpected conclusions.

This is the third in the "Take The Climate Quiz!" series. Watch the previous episode here. https://rumble.com/v5w9ng5-take-the-climate-quiz.html

0:00 Take The Quiz!
1:06 Wind/Solar
2:16 Fossil Fuels
4:15 Nuclear Energy
5:12 Fertilizer and Cows
6:19 Depopulation
7:44 Air Conditioning

Acknowledgements: Much of the information in the quiz comes from Michael Shellenberger's "Apocalypse Never: How Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All". Thanks to Best-wallpaper.net , Virunga National Park website (Democratic Republic of Congo), CBS News, Live Action, and VidIQ.

Narrated by Blerfnerg Ghobloudian. You can support the channel at www.buymeacoffee.com/UncleBlerf. This channel was formerly known as "What the wef?!". @Uncle Blerf on X and Bluesky.

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