UNICEF using children to brainwash the masses into believing the plandemic won't end

1 month ago

Check out this video from UNICEF using children to brainwash the masses into believing the plandemic won't end until everyone in the world is jabbed. It is also 'interesting' that they use 2025, as that is the year when SPARS (https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1029&context=jicrcr) aka prions disease is 'supposed' to begin taking its victims. SPARS 2025-2028 is all of their devious excercises together that parallels the timeline (https://t.me/Revelations_and_Rabbit_Holes/808) we are currently in.

"No one is safe until everyone is safe."

"The COVID-19 pandemic is in its sixth year"

COVID-19[6] | 6th year |
2025: 2+0+2+5 = 9[6] | 666

Source @Retards Of TikTok

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