College Donations Reach 100K After Store Employee Allows Austic Child To Help Stock Shelves

6 years ago

In a video taken by Jack Ryan’s dad and shared on Facebook by his sister, Delaney Edwards Alwosaibi, Jack Ryan and Taylor can be seen working together to put milk and juice on the shelves.

“Talk about a stand-up young man!!!!” Alwosaibi wrote about Taylor. “We all know autism makes going out difficult, and sometimes grocery stores can be a challenge. This young man took the time to slow down and allow Jack Ryan to help for over 30 minutes, guiding him as he finished his task.”

Alwosaibi and everyone who saw the video were so impressed by what Taylor did, they decided to start a GoFundMe page Wednesday to help raise money to send him to college. Taylor told Alwosaibi he loves math and might want to be a teacher someday.

The campaign originally had a goal of $10,000, but after receiving an overwhelming amount of donations, the goal was increased to $100,000, which it had reached as of Friday afternoon.

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