A Guide To The Different Types Of Calendars Old & New Used Around The World Today

2 months ago

A Guide to the Different Types of Calendars Used Around the World. Calendars are perhaps one of the most impactful aspects of modern society. Sure, Google reminders can really lighten your mental load, but it runs so much deeper too! Everyone around you likely follows the same calendar, so it’s possible for society as a whole to run smoothly on a coordinated schedule.

But how do the different types of calendars play into it, and what calendars are used around the world?

What Are the 3 Main Types of Calendars?
There are 3 main types of calendars: solar, lunar, and lunisolar. Solar calendars, such as the Gregorian calendar, are based on the Earth’s rotation around the sun in a year. Months help track progress through the seasons in solar calendars.

Lunar calendars, such as the Islamic calendar, focus instead on months that follow the moon’s phases. With the focus on moon phases, there’s no correlation with the Earth’s revolution around the sun. As a result, these calendars consist of 354–355 days, and months will slowly shift through different seasons.

Lunisolar calendars try to combine these two methods by following both the solar year and the moon’s phases. Because the moon’s phases and a year don’t match up perfectly, lunisolar calendars often add extra months or days to keep the two lined up.

Some calendars break the rules and follow different patterns. For example, seasonal calendars focus on the changes between seasons.

What Calendars Are Used Around the World Today?
Around 40 calendars are still in use today, but the main calendars used around the world are the Gregorian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Chinese, Julian, and Persian calendars.

What Calendar Did Your Ancestors Use?
Different calendars have come and gone through the ages with some variations around the world still in use today. What calendars did your ancestors use, and how did it affect the way they viewed the world? Would their seasons have happened around the same month as yours, or were they on a completely different schedule?

Find out more about where your ancestors were from to help you discover which calendars they may have used.

Things You Didn’t Know about the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Timekeeping is an important part of every culture, and has been for centuries. But how we keep track of time hasn’t been consistent for very long. Over the course of human history, there have been dozens of calendars. One of the oldest and most famous is the Chinese lunar calendar.

What Is the Chinese Lunar Calendar?
Although it is called a lunar calendar, the Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar. That means it combines elements of a lunar calendar (which follows the phases of the moon) with a solar calendar (which follows the position of the sun).

The Chinese calendar is lunar because its 12 months align with the phases of the moon. However, the length of the moon’s phases don’t quite line up with the time it takes the earth to make its way around the sun—which takes approximately 365 days. A pure lunar calendar has 354. When going by a lunar calendar, the months and seasons would drift apart within a few years, coming out of sync.

That’s where the "solar" part of lunisolar comes in. To adjust for the solar year, an intercalary month is added to the calendar about every 3 years to account for the difference.

In the Chinese calendar, each month is numbered and assigned to one of the animals on the Chinese Zodiac.

What Is the Chinese Zodiac?

The Chinese Zodiac refers to a cycle of 12 animals: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. Although people most commonly think of the zodiac being only a yearly cycle of 12 animals, the zodiac animals are assigned months, days, and even hours on the Chinese lunar calendar as well.

It is traditionally believed that a people’s zodiac year determines parts of their life, including their personality and their compatibility with others.

Activity Idea:
How does your birth date look when you write it using the lunar calendar? What zodiac year were you born in?
The Chinese Zodiac shares some surface-level similarities with the Western Zodiac; however, the 2 are very distinct. Although both are called Zodiacs—a term which comes from the Latin word for “animal cycle”—only the Chinese Zodiac actually has animals for each of its 12 segments. Additionally, the Western Zodiac is associated with constellations, while the Chinese Zodiac is not.

Activity Idea:
What zodiac year were your parents and grandparents born in?
History of the Chinese Calendar
Some of the earliest Chinese calendars have been found on oracle bones—carved ox bones or turtle shells that were used by fortune tellers. These bones show that as early as the Shang dynasty (1600–1046 B.C.), the Chinese were using solar calendars.

An accurate calendar was an important part of ancient Chinese culture, because it was a sign that the emperor was in harmony with heaven. Because of this, calendars were considered sacred and were created and maintained by the government.

The first truly lunisolar calendar was introduced by the Zhou dynasty between 771 B.C. and 476 B.C. Once introduced, it evolved and was adjusted throughout multiple eras and dynasties. During the warring states period, multiple competing lunar calendars were created by groups vying for control.

When China was unified under the Qin dynasty, a new calendar was introduced. The Ming and Han dynasties made a few tweaks by introducing 24 solar terms and created the Tàichū calendar.

Later dynasties added solstices, used new methods to determine the length of a solar month, and discovered the true length of the solar year.

The traditional Chinese calendar
Modern China, like the vast majority of countries in the world, utilizes the Gregorian calendar—our standard solar-based calendar—as its primary means of tracking time throughout the year. That means January 1 in Paris is also January 1 in Beijing.

Yet as with so many cultural gems from Chinese history, the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar—a distinct and separate timekeeping method from the aforementioned Gregorian calendar—has managed to secure its role in modern Chinese society.

Solar vs. Lunar vs. Lunisolar: What's the difference?
Often incorrectly referred to as a lunar calendar, the traditional Chinese calendar is in fact lunisolar. You may wonder, what's the difference between a strictly lunar calendar and the Chinese lunisolar calendar?

A lunar calendar is typically based on the moon's 29.53-day synodic orbit around the earth. The year is then divided into 12 lunar months, which inconveniently only adds up to 354 days per year, roughly 11 days short of the actual time it takes the earth to complete one full orbit around the sun: 365 days.

To remedy this discrepancy and to ensure that the traditional Chinese calendar keeps pace with the Gregorian calendar, the Chinese implemented the lunisolar method of timekeeping. The traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar is thus a hybrid timekeeping method that takes into account both the moon's orbit around the earth and the earth's 365-day orbit around the sun.

The Chinese accomplish this by adding a 13th month to their traditional calendar approximately once every three years. In Chinese, the Chinese lunisolar calendar is typically referred to as the 农历 (nóng lì), which directly translates to "agricultural calendar."

How does the Chinese calendar work?
Each month within the calendar starts with the new moon. The first month of the year is called 正月 (zhēng yuè) which marks the start of the new year cycle (and consequently the Chinese New Year celebration).

The Chinese calendar year ends with the last winter month which is called 腊月 (là yuè). Since 12 lunar months do not add up to a full solar year, a leap month (闰月 rùn yuè) is added every three years.

Days within a month are also grouped into 9 or 10-day weeks known as 旬 (xún). Each month is split into 上旬 (shàng xún), 中旬 (zhōng xún) and 下旬 (xià xún), marking the first, second and third week, respectively.

The Chinese lunisolar calendar operates on a sexagenary cycle (a 60-year cycle) which consists of 10 stems (干 gàn) and 12 branches (支 zhī). These are used to mark each month and year and in total can create 60 stem-branch combinations. Thus a 60-year cycle is formed, which figuratively was a full lifespan in dynastic times.

In the early 20th century, the Chinese calendar fell out of favor as western influence spread throughout China. The last calendar of the Qing dynasty was published in 1908, and on January 1, 1912, China began using the western Gregorian calendar.

Differences Between the Gregorian and Chinese Calendar

Today’s near-universally adopted calendar is called the Gregorian calendar, and it’s relatively new, all things considered. In fact, the Gregorian calendar has only been in use since 1582. Some countries have only started using it as recently as 2016!

On the Gregorian calendar, a week is 7 days. But on the Chinese lunar calendar, a week, known as xún, is 9 or 10 days depending on if the month has 29 or 30 days. The Chinese Lunar calendar is also split into 24 solar terms (2 per month) that reflect changes in the environment and daily life.

Because the Chinese calendar is primarily a lunar calendar, dates on the Chinese calendar do not line up exactly with dates on the Gregorian calendar. This means that Chinese holidays that fall on the same date annually on the Chinese calendar do not fall on the same dates annually on the Gregorian calendar.

For example, the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival takes place on the 15th day of the 8th month on the Chinese lunar calendar. On the Gregorian calendar, this translates to sometime in mid-September to early October, depending on the year.

Is the Chinese Calendar Still Used Today?
Yes! Although the Chinese government has adopted the Gregorian calendar for official, public, and day-to-day use, the Chinese lunar calendar is still used for traditional holidays such as Chinese New Year and the Lantern festival. It is also used in astrology to choose dates for special events.

The Chinese Calendar in Chinese records
China has the longest continuous written history of any country in the world—over 3,500 years of documentation. With so much information chronicled, knowing how Chinese calendar dates are used in Chinese records, or dang’an, couldn’t be more important!

Lunar Calendar Dates in Genealogical Records
China’s adoption of the Gregorian calendar was slow; the public resisted its initial adoption in 1912, and it wasn’t until 1928 that the government fully switched over. Older texts, including genealogical texts like jiapu, will use the Chinese lunar calendar in its dates until at least 1912—and perhaps for a few years beyond!

How to Read Chinese Lunar Calendar Dates
How you’ll read a Chinese lunar calendar date changes depending on how old the document you’re reading is. Here are the basics for a more ancient Chinese text:

Dates will be read in the following order: Dynasty, emperor, era name, year, month, day. Although not every document will include every one of these items, the pieces included will be in that order.
Years are given in a 60-year cycle that is written with 2 characters. The first of these 2 characters has a 10-character sequence that advances each year; the second has 12.
The month and date are often written in the format (month)月 (day)日; however, the 60-year cycle that affects how years are written can also affect how months are written.
How to Convert Chinese Calendar Dates to Gregorian Dates
With the Chinese lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar not being the same, it can be difficult to know how to translate dates from one to the other. Converting these dates involves astronomical calculations of the moon’s cycles, the sun’s longitude, and more. Luckily, there are several guides online that can help you convert the dates.

Explore Chinese Records
Now that you know a bit more about the Chinese lunar calendar, consider exploring Chinese records to learn more about Chinese ancestry. Chinese records such as jiapu are a wealth of information and can help you put your new knowledge to the test! Chinese families record their ancestry in jiapu, starting with a first ancestor (an early ancestor who started their family line or tribe) and working down to the current generation.

What Calendar Do We Use? All about the Gregorian Calendar

Did you know that calendar systems have been evolving throughout history? The calendar most people use today isn’t the same as the one used by Julius Caesar or the ancient Egyptians.

Calculating dates is not an exact science, as calendars can be based off of different things. Even today, many calendar systems are used around the world. But if you ask, “What calendar do we use?” the answer will usually be the Gregorian calendar—as this is the calendar most people use for business and often for everyday dates.

Let’s learn what the Gregorian calendar is, how it became the most common calendar, which countries use or don't use it, and what happened during the years of “double calendars.” We’ll even teach you how to figure out if your ancestors used the same calendar we do!

Fun fact: For many following the Gregorian Calendar, the New Year is celebrated on January 1 of each year. Although China uses the Gregorian calendar for everyday dates, they use the traditional Chinese Calendar for holidays. This means they celebrate the New Year on a different day each Gregorian year.

What Is the Gregorian Calendar?
The Gregorian Calendar is a system for determining the date that was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in the year 1582 AD. It is based on the movement of the earth around the sun (which means it’s a solar calendar) and includes leap years. (A leap year refers to a year when an extra day is added to the calendar to help with accuracy over time.) This calendar is sometimes referred to as the ”New Style” calendar, making it different from the “Old Style” Julian Calendar.

Why Was the Gregorian Calendar Created?
Just before the time of Pope Gregory XIII, the calendar being used by the Romans and many Christian churches was the Julian Calendar. Put into effect by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C., the Julian Calendar was also a solar calendar that included leap years. This calendar worked well over the years, but as centuries passed, the calendar date and the season of the year seemed to be getting out of sync.

For example, it’s been suggested that the original goal of the Gregorian Calendar was to correct the date for Easter, which seemed to be getting further and further away from the spring equinox. With help from astronomers and mathematicians, they figured out that the Julian Calendar was miscalculating the length of the solar year by 11 minutes. That 11 minutes added up year after year, and by the 1570s, Pope Gregory XIII and his peers realized that their calendar was off by 10 days!

It became pretty obvious that a new calendar was needed. So, they created one that would be more accurate over time. In 1582 AD, this new, “Gregorian Calendar” was introduced, named after Pope Gregory XIII, who pushed for the change. The new calendar recalculated the leap years to make the average length of a year more accurate.

Once they knew why the calendar date and the season of the year were off, it was time to get back on track. To make up for the lost 10 days from the Julian Calendar, the Gregorian Calendar simply moved up the date to skip 10 days. So, when the people went to sleep 1 night, the date was October 4, and when they woke up, the date was now October 15. Can you imagine that?

Fun Fact: Astronomers today don’t use the Gregorian Calendar in their work. They use a Julian Date system (not the same as the Julian Calendar!) to calculate when stars and other objects have appeared in the sky.

What’s the Big Difference between the Gregorian and Julian Calendars?
Honestly, there’s not a big difference between the 2 calendars. The Gregorian and Julian Calendars are actually rather similar in how they work. They both are solar calendars that focus on the 365-day movement of the earth around the sun and include leap years every 4 years. But here are some small, but important ways the 2 calendars are different:

Different Definitions of a Year: As mentioned earlier, the Gregorian Calendar defines an average year as 365.2422 days long, unlike the Julian Calendar which defines an average year as 365.25 days long.
Different Leap Year System: While both calendars use leap years systems, you’ll see a slight difference in how they work. The Julian Calendar adds a day to the calendar every 4 years. The Gregorian calendar does the same, except when the year is divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400. Then the leap year is skipped.
Different Level of Accuracy: The Julian Calendar was off by 11 minutes every solar year. The Gregorian Calendar is only off by 26 seconds every solar year. It will eventually add up to make us lose 1 day by the year 4909. It’s not perfect, but definitely an improvement!

350 Years of Double Calendars
Even though the Gregorian Calendar was created in 1582 AD, it took a long time for it to really replace the Julian Calendar. Many countries who used the Julian refused to use the new calendar at first and preferred to keep using the Julian Calendar as long as possible.

Hundreds of years passed before the Gregorian Calendar finally became the calendar most people use. This created a unique time in history where there were 2 dates used by some countries: a Julian date (also called an Old Style date) and a Gregorian date (also called a New Style date).

There were almost 350 years of overlapping dates between the 2 calendars, ranging from 1582 AD to the 1920s AD. Different countries adopted the Gregorian calendar at different times during this period—with a few even transitioning much later. To avoid confusion during this time, historians sometimes had to write down both dates when keeping record of something.

Here’s an example from Matt Rosenberg on Thoughco.

“In the era after the change, dates were written with O.S. (Old Style) or N.S. (New Style) following the day so people examining records could understand whether they were looking at a Julian date or a Gregorian date. While George Washington was born on February 11, 1731 (O.S.), his birthday became February 22, 1732 (N.S.) under the Gregorian calendar.”

As different countries transitioned to the Gregorian calendar at different times, not all of them transitioned in the same way. For example, by the time Great Britain adopted the new calendar, they had to jump forward 11 days instead of 10. Sweden was one country that chose to transition gradually—over a period of 40 years—by dropping days in leap years instead of all at once.

It is also good to note that many countries that used other calendars (besides the Julian) also adopted the Gregorian calendar in some form during this 350 years, but not all.

How to Convert Other Calendar Dates to Gregorian Dates
You can still come across documents with “old style” Julian dates in them, without being a historian or visiting a museum—maybe while working on a homework assignment or doing some family history research. You may also encounter someone who uses the Jewish calendar, Chinese calendar, or Hindu calendar, especially for calculating religious holidays. It’s helpful to know how to change dates between the different systems.

Who Uses the Gregorian Calendar Today?
Many areas of the world currently use the Gregorian Calendar or a modified version of it.

168 of the world’s countries use the Gregorian Calendar as their main calendar (or civil calendar) including: Australia, Brazil, France, Mexico, and the United States.
18 countries use another calendar alongside the Gregorian Calendar including: Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen.
4 countries use a modified version of the Gregorian Calendar. They are: Japan, North Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.
4 countries have not adopted the Gregorian Calendar. They are: Afghanistan, Iran, Ethiopia, and Nepal
The Gregorian Calendar is accepted as an international standard, but it’s not the only calendar still in use. Other significant calendars in use today include the Jewish, Islamic, Indian, Chinese, Persian and Julian Calendars.

Fun fact: When Sweden switched over from the Julian Calendar to the Gregorian Calendar, they chose to add February 30th to their calendar instead of losing the 10 days. The plan was to not have leap days over the next 40 years to eventually remove the extra 10 days.

Though an Improvement, the Gregorian Calendar Still Isn’t Perfect

With the Gregorian Calendar being so widely used for hundreds of years, you would think it’s the most accurate calendar out there, right? Well, surprisingly, it isn’t.

For example, the Iranian Calendar could be considered one of the most accurate calendars in the world. The Gregorian Calendar requires a 1-day correction every 3,226 years. The Iranian Calendar, however, only requires a 1-day correction every 141,000 years.

There have been several attempts to reform the current Gregorian Calendar. One recent attempt was in 2011 by an astrophysicist named Richard Conn Henry and an economist Steve Hanke. The Hanke-Henry Permanent Calendar is a fixed calendar, where the date falls on the same exact day of the week year after year.

Although these attempts are of interest to those who seek a better or changed calendar, none have been widely adopted, and the Gregorian Calendar remains the primary calendar for most countries throughout the world.

Recording Your Own Life Events
No matter what calendar you follow, calendars can help you keep track of the seasons of the year, religious and secular holidays, and important life events. Recording dates is a valuable part of preserving history and can also help you with family history research.

What Are Julian Dates? All about the Julian Calendar

There are several different calendars used around the world today. Even though advanced technology (like the internet and telephones) allows us to schedule time with other people across great distances, those same people may still track time differently. And although your grandparents probably used the same type of calendar you do, your distant ancestors probably used older calendar systems, such as the Julian calendar.

But how is your calendar different from the one your ancestors used? And why did it change? A calendar is a system that organizes days, often based on regular changes in the world around us, such as the appearance of the moon and sun in the sky. More accurate ways to measure changes in the world and different rules or discoveries made by historical leaders and great thinkers have changed calendars over time. This has led to some calendars falling out of use and new ones being adopted.

Let’s take some time to learn more about the Julian Calendar, a significant calendar in the world's history, including how it compares to other calendars and where you might encounter "Old Style" Julian dates even today.

What Is the Julian Calendar?
The Julian Calendar is named after Julius Caesar, who introduced the idea in Ancient Rome around 46 BC. The Julian Calendar determines the date based on the movement of the earth around the sun (which means it is a solar calendar). It includes 365 days in most years, but every 4 years, it also includes a leap year that has 366 days. During certain times in history, the Julian Calendar was called the "Old Style" calendar.

Why Was the Julian Calendar Created?

In Ancient Rome, during the time of Julius Caesar, the calendar being used was the Roman Calendar (an even older calendar than the Julian). The Roman Calendar was a very complicated system of dates based on the movement of the moon and the position of the sun in the earth's sky (making it a lunisolar calendar). A group of people was needed to decide when days should be added or removed to the calendar to keep it in line with the seasons of the year. The Roman Calendar started off with 304 days and used 10 months. It was used for hundreds of years and was changed many times. It wasn’t very accurate, though, and by the year 46 BC, the calendar was three months ahead of the solar calendar, and the seasons were not lining up!

That’s when Julius Caesar decided that there needed to be a big change in how the Romans determined the date. Caesar received help from Sosigenes, an Alexandrian astronomer, who advised him to stop using a lunar calendar and start following the solar year, as the Egyptians did. So instead of following the moon to determine the dates, the Julian Calendar would now follow the position of the sun in the earth's sky.

The basic structure of the Julian calendar is one that many people are familiar with today. The year has 365.25 days, is divided into 12 months, and includes leap years. It was not used everywhere in the world, but it was greatly adopted by the Roman empire and a number of Christian churches. This means it was heavily used in Europe and even extended to some parts of Western Asia and Northern Africa.

How Long Did the Julian Calendar Last? The Gregorian Calendar Replaces the Julian
Although the Julian Calendar was a big improvement from the Roman calendar, it still wasn’t perfect. The Julian Calendar was used for over 1,600 years, but as centuries passed, things started to seem a little off. It was discovered that the calendar was miscalculating the length of the solar year by 11 minutes. That 11 minutes added up year after year, and by the 1570s, astronomers realized that the Julian Calendar was now off by 10 days.

With the help of both an astronomer and mathematician, a man named Pope Gregory XIII created a new calendar called the Gregorian Calendar, which is actually very similar to the Julian Calendar but has some updated calculations. Because of these updates, most people use the Gregorian Calendar today. Here are some of the differences between the 2 calendars:

Different Definitions of a Year
The Julian Calendar defines a year as 365.25 days long (an extra ¼ of a day).

The Gregorian Calendar defines a year as 365.2422 days long. This calculation is more precise than the Julian Calendar.

Different Leap Year System
The Julian Calendar uses a simple formula to determine leap years. The leap year system adds an extra day every 4 years to add up to that full extra day. This pattern of 3 “normal years” followed by 1 “leap year” was repeated without exception.

The Gregorian Calendar uses a more advanced formula for its leap year calculations. The rule is that if the year is divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400, leap year is skipped. The year 2000 was a leap year, for example, but the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not. The next time a leap year will be skipped is the year 2100.

Fun Fact: The next upcoming leap year is 2024.

Different Level of Accuracy
The Julian Calendar was off by 11 minutes every solar year, which added up and made us lose 10 days by the year 1582.

The Gregorian Calendar is much more accurate and is only off by 26 seconds every solar year, which will eventually add up to make us lose 1 day by the year 4909.

350 Years of Double Calendars
Even though the Gregorian Calendar was created in 1582, hundreds of years passed before it became the calendar most people use. Many countries were resistant to the new calendar and preferred to keep using the Julian Calendar as long as possible. This created a time in history where both calendars were used regularly in different parts of the world, with different countries and peoples starting to use the new calendar at different times. During this time period, those who tried to clarify between the 2 date systems would often write "Old Style" next to Julian dates and "New Style" next to Gregorian dates.

Here’s an example from Matt Rosenberg on ThoughCo:

“In the era after the change, dates were written with O.S. (Old Style) or N.S. (New Style) following the day so people examining records could understand whether they were looking at a Julian date or a Gregorian date. While George Washington was born on February 11, 1731 (O.S.), his birthday became February 22, 1732 (N.S.) under the Gregorian calendar.”

From 1582 to around 1923, there were still enough people using the Julian calendar to consider it a time of overlapping dates. That’s almost 350 years of both calendars being regularly used! (Some peoples and organizations still used the Julian calendar after 1923, but most had switched over.)

How to Convert Julian Dates to Gregorian Dates When Doing History Research
You can still find and read documents with Julian dates in them, without being a historian or visiting a museum. Most of these are digital images of old documents, the kind you'd find while doing primary source research or searching for an ancestor's name in historical records.

Maybe you’re working on a homework assignment or maybe you’re doing some family history research. Either way, if the date you’re looking for falls before 1582 or 1923 and you suspect it's a Julian date, it’s helpful to know how to find the corresponding Gregorian date.

There are several helpful converters online. Here are 2 that might help you do a conversion quickly:

Fourmilab Calendar Converter
Includes many different calendar conversion options. Find the right type of calendar for the date you want to convert, set the date, and scroll up and down the page to see how that date would look in the different calendar systems.
Stevemorse.org Julian to Gregorian Converter
Converts just Julian to Gregorian but also includes an easy tool to see when different countries switched over.

Is the Julian Calendar Still Used Today?
The Julian Calendar was helpful when it was created, but it’s not used much anymore. The Gregorian Calendar is simply more accurate, so that's what most countries use today.

Some Orthodox churches, like the Orthodox Church in Russia, still use the Julian Calendar today to calculate the dates of moveable feasts. Others who still use the "Old Style" calendar include the Berber people of North Africa and on Mount Athos.

Even though different calendars are used around the world, there’s one thing they all have in common. Calendars help us record our history. Keeping track of the date helps us remember important people and important events.

Happy Pagan New Year Vs. 13 Month Tartarian Calendar Vs. God's Calendar Vs. Man's Calendar - https://rumble.com/v659jhp-happy-pagan-new-year-vs.-13-month-tartarian-calendar-vs.-gods-calendar-vs.-.html

This Is The First Day Of New Year ? In The Year Of Are Lord 2025 ? And God Said To My Peoples Of The World "Open Your Eyes To The Truth" The True 13 Month Tartarian Calendar. The Concept Of A New Year Is Celebrated Differently Across Various Cultures And Calendars By Peoples Of The World For Thousand Of Years.

Happy Pagan New Year: Refers to the celebration of the new year from a pagan perspective, which can vary depending on the tradition. Some pagans celebrate the new year on Samhain (around October 31 to November 1), while others mark it at the Winter Solstice or even on January 1, due to its association with the Roman god Janus.

13 Month Tartarian Calendar: Although not directly mentioned in the provided context, the Tartarian calendar is an alternative calendar system that has been discussed in some online communities. It typically consists of 13 months, with each month having 28 days, resulting in a 364-day year. However, this calendar is not widely recognized or used.

God’s Calendar Vs. Man’s Calendar: This refers to the distinction between the biblical calendar, which is based on divine principles and time reckoning from a biblical viewpoint, and the calendars created by humans, such as the Roman calendar. The biblical calendar defines a day as starting at sunset, a week as a seven-day cycle from Sunday to Saturday, a month as a period from one New Moon to another, and a year as starting with the New Moon following the Spring Equinox.

In contrast, man’s calendar, such as the Roman calendar, has a different system for defining these time units. It’s worth noting that the origins of New Year celebrations have pagan roots, and many of the customs associated with these celebrations have been carried over from ancient pagan practices.

As of today, January 1, 2025, people around the world are still celebrating the start of a new year, with some being aware of the different calendar systems and their significance.

Real First Calendar 13 months 13 zodiac signs 28 days Before The Old World Reset - https://rumble.com/v2a0jj2-real-first-calendar-13-months-13-zodiac-signs-28-days-before-the-old-world-.html

The 13-month, 28-day alternative has been in use on this planet for more than 6000 years. In prehistoric India and China, and throughout South America it was the standard time-keeping system. The Essenes, Egyptians, Polynesians, Maya, Inca, Lakota, and Cherokee used a 13-month, 28-day calendar. The Celtic knowledge of the Druids is based on the Tree Calendar, also a 13-month, 28-day calendar. Today many cultures are still using their traditional 13-month calendar system.

All Indigenous Peoples of the Earth know and respect the wisdom and power of the turtle. Within turtle’s shell is the knowledge of time and the wisdom of the thirteen moons. Turtle’s wisdom is the power of cosmic knowledge.

Thirteen scales make up the back of turtle’s shell. It takes thirteen moons for Earth to go around the sun just once. Among the Indigenous Peoples of North America, Earth is known as Turtle Island. To remember that Earth is Turtle Island is to remember the way of the Earth guided by the cosmic power of thirteen moons.

In the original time, turtle’s wisdom was known by every child of the Earth. Every child knew that thirteen moons is the path to walk. It is the path of life that needs no explaining.

After the original time came the seeds and the planting. Then came the sword, and the forgetting. During the last four hundred years the Indigenous Peoples of the planet retreated deeper into the forest, the wilderness, the jungle. Wherever they went, they were followed by the machine and the twelve-month calendar of colonialism. Deprived of their own time, the Indigenous Peoples were forced into the false time of the machine.

On October 12, AD 1492 (Dream spell 7 Earth of year 7 Storm), Christopher Columbus arrived in the “New World.” The hopes of the Maya, the Hopi, and all indigenous people, not only of the Americas, but of the entire planet were thoroughly shattered and destroyed. Genocide, enslavement, and colonization were the indigenous people’s reward. Never had the knowledge of a high civilization been so intentionally desecrated and destroyed as was that of the Maya. In one single act of conquest, humanity was deprived of the gift of the knowledge of time. By 1583 the Catholic Church installed its “reform” of time known as the Gregorian calendar. Simultaneous to the proclamation of the Gregorian calendar was the development of mechanized time, the basis of all machine technology. Instead of the 13:20 galactic frequency of time, the planet was bequeathed with the 12:60 (12-month year, 60-minute hours) frequency of machine technology.

The coming new era on our planet has everything to do with a change of timing frequency. The 13 Moon-28-day calendar is a simple tool that helps us to raise our frequency and gives us a new lens to view both our day-to-day and planetary events.

Because both the Gregorian and 13 Moon calendars operate with 52 seven-day weeks annually (364 days), the 13 Moon calendar provides a perfect daily transition tool for hooking back up with the higher-dimensional order! It is simple to follow day-to-day as it is marked with the dates of the Gregorian calendar.

The 13 Moon calendar is comprised of elegantly simple cycles. Namely: The 7-day week and 28-day moon. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the days of the moon (month) and the days of the week line up perfectly, week-to-week and moon-to-moon. This makes the 13 Moon/28-day calendar a perpetual calendar.

13 Moons x 28 days = 364 days = 52 seven-day weeks. The 365th day of the year is called the Day Out of Time, a day to celebrate peace through culture, time is art and practice universal forgiveness so that everyone can start the next year fresh!

In the graphic above, the small numbers at the bottom of each square are the 12 Month/Gregorian calendar dates. For example, find the very first day of the 13 Moon calendar - do you see below where it says "7-26" - this is the Gregorian date July 26! Every day on the 13 Moon calendar includes the Gregorian date - this is so we don't get lost in this time of transition.

Now find your birthday on the 13 Moon calendar. For example, if your birthday is October 13, look for the day on the calendar that is marked "10-13". Note that October 13 is the 24th day of the Electric Moon. Electric Moon is the third moon of the 13 moons. You can write this date as 3.24.

Now find today’s date on the 13 Moon calendar. Note the moon and day of the moon it falls on.

This is all you need to know to begin following this basic 13 Moon Cycle! No need to memorize obscure rhymes like "30 days hath September,..." because every moon is exactly 28 days - the first day of the moon is always the first day of the week, the last day of the moon is always the last day of the week!

This consistent regularity is what makes the 13 Moon calendar a harmonic time space matrix. This is just the tip of the iceberg of fourth-dimensional time...

Congratulations! You've now learned how to keep time within a harmonic matrix!

Structure of the 13 Moon Calendar Dreamspell Calendar Explained Seven Chakras - https://rumble.com/v2a0u46-structure-of-the-13-moon-calendar-dreamspell-calendar-explained-seven-chakr.html

The 13 Moon, 28-day calendar is a new standard of time for all people everywhere who desire a genuinely new world. If the calendar and time we follow is irregular, artificial and mechanized, so becomes our mind. As is our mind, so our world becomes, as is our world today: Irregular, artificial and mechanized. But if the calendar we follow is harmonic and in tune with natural cycles, so also will our mind become, and so we may return to a way of life more spiritual and in harmony with nature.

The 13 Moon calendar synchronizes solar and galactic cycles on July 26 correlating with the star Sirius. Each of the 13 moons has a power, action, and quality which define an annual program to synchronize our consciousness with the galactic cycles.

As a perfect measure of cosmic time, this calendar is actually a synchronometer, an instrument for measuring synchronicity. Followed daily, it gives us a new lens in which to perceive events. In the New Time, synchronicity is the norm.

The 13 Moon 28-day synchronometer is a harmonic timespace matrix. It takes the moon 28 days to orbit the Earth; it makes this orbit 13 times each year. The standard of measure is the 28-day cycle, called a moon, because it is the median between the 29.5-day synodic cycle of the moon (new moon to new moon) and the 27.1-day sidereal cycle of the moon. Hence, it is a measure of Earth’s solar orbit using the 28-day lunar standard. This creates a perfect orbital measure of 13 moons of 28 days, totaling 364 days, or 52 perfect weeks of 7 days each. Because the 365th day is no day of the moon or week at all, it is known as the “day out of time” - a day to celebrate peace through culture and time is art!

In the 13 Moon calendar the names of the 13 moons correspond to the thirteen galactic tones of creation. Each of the 13 moons is saturated with meaning and altogether they form a whole vision sequence of cosmic order. Each year also serves as a planetary service wavespell. Before we introduce the names of the thirteen moons, please consider the meanings of the 12 months of the Gregorian calendar:

In the 13 Moon calendar, the meaning of each of the 13 moons corresponds to that particular number frequency having three key words. These numbers are known as the thirteen galactic tones of creation that together form the cosmology of movement. These 13 Moons can be put into the format of a wavespell:

Here are the full names and Gregorian dates of the 13 Moons:

1. Magnetic Bat Moon (July 26-August 22)
2. Lunar Scorpion Moon (August 23-September 19)
3. Electric Deer Moon (September 20-October 17)
4. Self-existing Owl Moon (October 18-November 14)
5. Overtone Peacock Moon (November 15-December 12)
6. Rhythmic Lizard Moon (December 13-January 9)
7. Resonant Monkey Moon (January 10-February 6)
8. Galactic Hawk Moon (February 7-March 6)
9. Solar Jaguar Moon (March 7-April 3)
10. Planetary Dog Moon (April 4-May 1)
11. Spectral Serpent Moon (May 2-May 29)
12. Crystal Rabbit Moon (May 30-June 26)
13. Cosmic Turtle Moon (June 27-July 24)
Day Out of Time (July 25)

The Law of Time is a universal law and principle. It states that time is the universal factor of synchronization.

The Law of Time distinguishes between a natural timing frequency that governs the universal order, and an artificial timing frequency which sets modern human civilization apart from the rest of its environment, the biosphere.

The effect of basing a civilization on artificial timing factors - an irregular calendar and the mechanical clock - has resulted in the creation of an artificial global mantle, the technosphere. By consuming natural resources faster than they can be replaced and creating more waste than can be eliminated, the technosphere operates at the expense of the biosphere. Hence, the current global crisis.

The Law of Time affirms that all of the planetary upheavals and social chaos that we are experiencing today are directly related to giving precedence to human laws and machine technology, rather than divine order and natural law. This is due to living a collective misperception of time known as the 12:60 frequency. This refers to the 12 month cycle of the irregular Gregorian calendar paced by the 60 minute clock.

Living in artificial time disconnects us both as a species and individually from our true nature. We always feel like we never have “enough time.” In the 12:60 frequency, time is money. In the 13:20 frequency, time is art.

The 13:20 ratio of the natural timing frequency coded into the Tzolkin – the 260-unit harmonic matrix. The 13:20 frequency can also be found in our body: we have 13 main articulations and 20 fingers and toes.

The Law of Time affirms that by the nature of the universal timing frequency the world is already as one. It is only humankind who has chosen separation. This separation is reinforced by separation in time, living by the clock and the irregular measure of the Gregorian calendar keeps the world from being as one.

The Law of Time states that: Energy factored by time equals art. In this equation, (E) refers to all phenomena in their processes of unfoldment; (T) is the present moment functioning according to the ratio constant 13:20. Everything shaped by time is art.

Moon and The Sacred Feminine Energy and 13 Lucky Number 13;20 Hz of Goddess - https://rumble.com/v2a14wi-moon-and-the-sacred-feminine-energy-and-13-lucky-number-1320-hz-of-goddess.html

The moon represents the feminine energy, just as the sun represents the masculine. In ancient times, when the magic was still alive in the hearts of people, these celestial bodies were more than just that, they carried certain qualities and energies. The patriarchal society turned their back on the feminine energy, demonized it and turned the number 13 into an unlucky number full of superstitions, when it actually represents the number of the Goddess.

By incorporating a 13 Moon Calendar into our life, we can flow back into the organic and natural rhythms of time incorporated into the 13:20 frequency of the Universe. Especially as women, aligning with the lunar energy is vital. Women are attuned to the cycles of the moon, and only by aligning to our natural rhythms can we heal the sacred feminine energy and reconnect with the essence of who we are.

The symbol of the triple moon goddess is sacred. It is a symbol of the different stages of womanhood, and it represents the different life cycles of man. Whenever you see the triple moon goddess, it is a reminder of the cycles of life, growth, death, and rebirth.

Moon and the Sacred Feminine Energy invites us into the deepest mysteries of life, mysticism and rituals of Goddesses. It reminds us of the power of blood within us, that most sacred liquid that makes us alive. It reminds us of the power of the Great Mother, the power of the Triple Goddess who lives within us and in all that exists around us.

So living in flow with the moon and celebrating her with a new moon or full moon ritual is powerful for women. This is one of the best ways to embody Goddess feminine energy. Heal your relationship with your sacred cycle. Period blood was revered as a sacred, magical elixir of life.

A menstrual cup is a menstrual hygiene device which is inserted into the vagina during menstruation. Its purpose is to collect menstrual fluid (blood from the uterine lining mixed with other fluids). Menstrual cups are usually made of flexible medical grade silicone, latex, or a thermoplastic isomer. They are shaped like a bell with a stem or a ring.

Walt Disney and the Story Of Menstruation and 28 Day Cycle Between You-Moon - https://rumble.com/v2a18yw-walt-disney-and-the-story-of-menstruation-and-28-day-cycle-between-you-moon.html

The Story of Menstruation a Walt Disney production through the courtesy of Kotex Products Through animated drawings and diagrams explains the physiology of menstruation, suggests methods of care and hygiene, and encourages a healthy attitude toward the process.

Demonstrates the preparation of a study schedule, allocating the best study hours for the hardest subjects, and discusses the techniques of reading and the importance of developing reading skill.

And similar to the moon cycle, a woman’s menstrual cycle changes from the menstruation of new growth, to the ovulation of full power and blossom, to the pre-menstrual phase of harvest and degeneration, and back to menstruation of renewal again.

For centuries, people have wondered whether the menstrual cycle was linked to the phases of the moon. It’s easy to see where the idea came from. For starters, the average menstrual cycle lasts for about 29 days Trusted Source, the same as the lunar cycle.

We know that the moon controls the globe’s tides, so it isn’t so far-fetched to imagine that the moon might influence the internal tides of the menstrual cycle. While many scientific studies rebuke the hypothesis, the general public remains fascinated by the idea that menstruation and the moon may be linked.

For instance, on the day of the blood moon in people took to social media to express their curiosity and bewilderment at getting their periods during this astrological event.

Emergency Childbirth 1961 US Navy Vintage Educational Film - https://rumble.com/v281x8a-emergency-childbirth-1961-us-navy-vintage-educational-film-graphic-.html

This Film From the US Navy Department (1961) shows how to render
necessary assistance in the emergency delivery of a baby. Tells how to
determine when delivery is too imminent to risk transportation to a
hospital and outlines procedures to follow during and immediately after

Maternity Care (US Navy, 1963) Vintage Educational Film - https://rumble.com/v281uwo-maternity-care-us-navy-1963-vintage-educational-film-graphic-.html

This film is intended to explain to pregnant women whose babies are soon to be born what to expect from the labor and delivery experience. It addresses how to distinguish false labor from true labor, when to pack a bag for the hospital, what procedures will be carried out to prep the woman for delivery, the types of anesthetic a doctor might order, and techniques for minimizing discomfort. Changes in the cervix and uterus are illustrated with animation techniques, while the birth of the baby, including episiotomy and use of forceps, are shown in a real hospital room.

God's Calendar Vs. Man's Calendar History, Days, Months And Years Explained - https://rumble.com/v2a23pk-gods-calendar-vs.-mans-calendar-history-days-months-and-years-explained.html

When does the day really begin, from a biblical perspective? Is it at midnight, at sunrise, or at sunset? And when exactly does the week begin? On Monday, Saturday, or Sunday? Finally, when does the month and the year really begin, from a biblical perspective?
There are so many calendars today. We have the Roman calendar, the Chinese calendar, the Islamic calendar, the Hebrew calendar, and many others. Since each one is different from all the others, there’s so much confusion about this topic. So, which among them is correct?

People have invented many calendars, but there is only one calendar of God. This is described in detail in the Bible. The sun, moon and stars were not only created to give us lights, but also to be able to determine the time correctly. Many think all this is complicated, but God's calendar is very simple to understand. In a few words before going into the details: Each month begins with the first visible crescent moon, the so-called "new light." Full moon is always in the middle of the month, half moon in between, because when there is no moonlight, the month ends. All logical. And after that, the 7 feast days of the year are clearly determined. God's calendar is sensational because it connects the heavenly bodies with nature, thus defining time. So this means that when we see the condition of the moon and nature (state of development of vegetation), we always know on which day of the year we are. The constellation of the stars gives us an additional piece of information and makes it even easier because it allows us to orientate ourselves not only in terms of time but also in terms of location (geographically). Isn't all this brilliant?

True Scriptural 13 Moon Calendar Equinox Deception of World Religions Exposed - https://rumble.com/v2a0oug-true-scriptural-13-moon-calendar-equinox-deception-of-world-religions-expos.html

The great end-time deception will parade under the banner of Christianity. The False Prophet will deceive the world into believing that God's true witnesses are the Beast and the False Prophet. So the Beast makes war against God's servants and kills them Revelation 11:7.

For those in the Northern Hemisphere, today marks the vernal, or spring equinox, while for those in the Southern Hemisphere, it is the time of the autumnal equinox . It marks the day when the sun passes over the celestial equator and the length of day and night is roughly equal, thus the word ‘equinox’, which means ‘equal night’ in Latin.

For thousands of years, the spring equinox has long been celebrated as a time of rebirth and abundance by many countries and cultures around the world. Megalithic people in Europe calculated the date of the spring equinox using circular monuments constructed of huge stones; Germanic tribes associated it with the fertility goddess Ostara; the Mayans gathered at the pyramid at Chichen Itza which was designed to produce a serpent shadow on the day of the equinox; and the Ancient Saxons held a feast day for their version of the fertility goddess, Eostre, on the full moon following the Vernal Equinox.

12 month disharmonic Gregorian calendar vs 13 moon harmonic calendar ?

The beginning date, July 26, corresponds to the heliacal rising of Sirius, making the 13 Moon 28-day cycle a solar/galactic calendar. The 13 Moon calendar is a perfect harmonious 13-month (moon) cycle of 28 days each. Its harmony is visible when we view it next to the Gregorian calendar. In the Gregorian calendar there is very little cyclic or periodic order. Months are uneven, the length of the month does not correlate with the seven-day week, and the days of the week and their numbers change every month.

With the 13 Moon calendar, everything is very even, orderly and harmonic so you can’t get lost in time. The Haab and Tun Uc calendars of the Mayans and the calendar of Thoth in ancient Egypt also began on the day July 26th. The Haab is eighteen 20-day vinal cycles, plus the 5-day uayeb. The Tun Uc is literally the count of seven – this is the 13 Moon 28-day cycle. The calendar of Thoth was also a 13 moon, 28-day cycle. These are all solar measures. The original Druid calendar was a 13 Moon 28-day cycle and the Andean (Incan) Pachacuti, in use for 5,000 years, is also 13 Moons of 28 days. Other cultures that use a 13 Moon 28-day calendar include Polynesians, Native Americans, Chinese and Essenes.

A Great Year Ever 25,920 yrs. and Formation and Life Cycles of Celestial Objects Black Sun - https://rumble.com/v2aab4a-a-great-year-ever-25920-yrs.-and-formation-and-life-cycles-of-celestial-obj.html

Just as the Earth’s spin on its axis causes day and night and its annual orbit around the Sun is responsible for the ongoing cycle of the seasons, what if there is some greater celestial cycle, lasting thousands of years, slowly influencing the rise and fall of civilization across the globe?

To many ancient cultures, the answers lie in the stars. In their view, time moved in a cyclical pattern, with human civilization and consciousness rising and falling as great ages came and went. Vedic scholars spoke of the Yuga Cycle, a great circular progression of ages; and Plato taught of a large cycle of time that would slowly return us to a "Golden Age". He called this cycle: The Great Year.

The Great Year investigates commonalities in these beliefs and looks back into time seeking answers to questions that still loom over science today. How far back do humankind’s roots really go? What did the ancients know about the stars and their movements and what can we learn from them? How was the Precession of the Equinox, the slow progression of the stars across the sky over thousands of years, used to mark the rise and fall of these great ages by the ancients? Many cultures spoke of an unseen sun driving Precession and causing the cycle of this Great Year. Could there be an unseen companion to our Sun? The Great Year examines this theory and finds that perhaps these ancients were really onto something!

The term Great Year has more than one major meaning. It is defined by scientific astronomy as "The period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, or about 25,800 years". Ptolemy reported that his teacher Hipparchus, by comparing the position of the vernal equinox against the fixed stars in his time and in earlier observations, discovered that it shifts westward approximately one degree every 72 years. Thus the time it would take the equinox to make a complete revolution through all the zodiac constellations and return to its original position would be approximately 25,920 years. In the heliocentric model, the precession can be pictured as the axis of the Earth's rotation making a slow revolution around the normal to the plane of the ecliptic. The position of the Earth's axis in the northern night sky currently almost aligns with the star Polaris, the North Star. But as the direction of the axis is changing, this is a passing coincidence which was not always so and will not be so again until a Great Year has passed.

The Platonic Year, which is also called the Great Year, has a different more ancient and mystical meaning. Plato hypothesized that winding the orbital motions of the Sun, Moon and naked eye planets forward or back in time would arrive at a point where they are in the same positions as they are today. He called this time period the Great Year and suggested that such a unified return would take place about every 36,000 years.

Welcome To Our Channel In 2025 We Are 8 British Born With Dual Citizenship Chinese Women From And Born In Hong Kong, China... Who Are Now Live In U.S.A. Thank You For Watching Our Channel (What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie?) Yes We All The People Of The U.S.A. So If You Our Black-White-Yellow-Brown-Red-Woke-Trans-High Yellow-Etc. We At This Channel Do Not Care About Anyone Skin Color At All Now Or In The Past Time. All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Note: We Want You And Other Peoples With A Open Mind To Think Of This Channel 888+ Video's As A Encyclopedia Set. (Not Every Word Or Topics In This Encyclopedia Set Is For Every Person To Read & Some People Will Hate And Other Will Like This Channel Topics... But Remember In The U.S.A. Its Called Freedom Of Speech For Everyone In This World Today). Also In A Dictionary Words And Meanings Change Over Time Too. Note in the original 1611 version of the King James Version of the Bible there was no “J” letter in this Bible for because it did not exist. James was spelled Iames. Jesus was spelled Iesous. One of the most asked questions of the century. How can the Messiah’s Name be Jesus if the letter “J” did not exist 500 years ago ? So if you watch or see old words in are videos... you must look up the words in very old dictionary for the words right meanings for that period of time in our history.

Note: So now the content on this channel may cover lots of controversial topics and explore differing perspectives. It is intended for informational and discussion purposes only. Views expressed by guests or in comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the channel owner. We encourage respectful dialogue and open-mindedness. However, viewers are advised to conduct their own research and exercise critical thinking when engaging with the content. This channel does not endorse or condone any form of hate speech, discrimination, or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.

Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order Is Upon Us - Preserve Your Liberty By Being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.

The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.

We at this channel would like to add this quote for everyone to open your own mind this year: Your body diet is not only what you eat. It is also what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang out with and the things you subject your mind, body and soul too. Always be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically. Thank You Everyone Who Watch Our Video's To Help Other In 2025.

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