Skillful Tow Operator Frees Car From Unfortunate Parking Position

6 years ago

Tow operators are an underappreciated bunch. They are the unsung heroes who get called to pull vehicles out of ditches in the middle of storms or dangerous situations. They respond to calls involving mangled wrecks and occasionally, tragic scenarios. But worry not our friends, this video hits a lighter note. It can even be called genius! Watch!

In all cases, they are under pressure to remove vehicles as quickly as possible and in a way that doesn't put another scratch on a person's precious automobile. Sometimes this involves imagination and problem-solving skills that are downright impressive.

In the video at the top of the page, a motorist drove from one parking lot to another, somehow missing the fact that there was a steep decline separating the two. To make things even clearer, low concrete barriers were placed along the edge of the decline to prevent mishaps such as this. But sometimes, even the obvious escapes us and a small driver error can have big consequences. The motorist managed to get the SUV over the concrete curb and the front end dropped far below the level of the back end. The curb became lodged against the undercarriage of the vehicle and the back end pivoted up so that the rear wheels were barely in contact with the pavement. The wheels could not get traction and the curb held the SUV in position, tilted forward with the front bumper almost on the ground. There was no choice but to call for a rescue from the tow truck service.

You can see that the tow operator is facing a unique and unusual situation. He walked around the vehicle and assessed the matter thoroughly. He decided that the vehicle could not be pulled in either direction without making more damage to the underside of the vehicle. Like solving an elaborate puzzle, he decided that the only way out was up. And when the man says up it is up we go! He lifted the back end of the vehicle higher in the air to allow him access to the concrete block. Despite the serious weight of the concrete barrier, and the awkward position under the vehicle, he managed to find his way underneath the elevated SUV and drag the block out of his way.

After clearing the underside, the vehicle was carefully lowered and the wheels were now all in contact with the ground. The driver of the SUV was instructed to slowly move forward, bringing the rear wheels over the decline and into a position to be driven. Brilliant right?

One happy motorist paid the tow operator for his services and continued on their way with very little lost, except the time and the tow bill. The vehicle itself sustained no serious damage. Being a tow operator obviously involves considerable challenges on some days. And on days like this one, maybe it also involves a little humor.

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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