"You Can Not be a Catholic & Support the (D) Party."

2 months ago

Let's get one thing straight. I am a Judeo-Christian, not a Catholic. I agree with the Padre in that you can not be a Catholic (or Christian) and be involved with, supporter of or even vote for the current Democrat party. Especially since they've made it clear that what they support and champion is against everything that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ teaches us is sinful and should take a stand against.
If you are unsure about the differences between Catholicism and Judea-Christianity. I ask that you go online and do some research into the differences between the Catholic Faith and Judeo-Christian Religion, Baptist or Protestant teachings, practices and beliefs. You can also post a question in the comments. If I can't answer your question to your satisfaction. Possibly a subscriber or another viewer can. I ask that you please be respectful in how you ask a question and how you answer one as well. Also remember that it doesn't take much to sound confrontational or smart Alec when speaking through text. So alot of the times what you think is hostile or confrontational. Wasn't meant in that way, so give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm not an eloquent speaker by any means so I hope I was able to at least explain where I'm coming from and what I would expect when talking to anyone for the first time. Especially on such a sensitive subject like religion and politics.
I'm not sure YouTube will let me post this video, but either way, I'll also post it on my Rumble channel as well.
I thank you for tuning in, and may your day be filled with friendship and blessings. 🙏
Yours Truly,

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