I Laurang: The Unlikely Prince Who Won a Princess’s Heart

1 month ago

I Laurang: The Unlikely Prince Who Won a Princess’s Heart | A Tale of Transformation and Love from South Sulawesi
Once upon a time, in a small village in South Sulawesi, a shrimp-shaped boy named I Laurang was born from a couple’s desperate prayers for a child. Despite his unusual form, I Laurang dreamed of great things—marrying a princess!
When the king’s youngest daughter accepted his proposal, I Laurang shed his shrimp shell, revealing a handsome young man. But jealousy from her six sisters led to betrayal, pushing the couple to face challenges that tested their love and courage.
This enchanting tale of transformation, kindness, and justice reminds us that true beauty lies within and that courage and love can overcome envy.
🌟 Dive into the magical world of I Laurang and his princess!
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Story Source from : https://www.penaonline.id/nusantara/2104576541/legenda-i-laurang-manusia-udang-berubah-jadi-pria-tampan-dan-memikat-7-putri-raja-cantik-jelita?page=2

Cast clothes reference from :
🔹 https://saintif.com/pakaian-adat-sulawesi-selatan/
🔹 https://www.detik.com/sulsel/budaya/d-6395806/pakaian-adat-makassar-baju-bodo-busana-tertua-di-dunia

Others sources :
🔹 https://www.idntimes.com/life/education/muhammad-nizam-3/bahasa-bugis-anggota-keluarga-c1c2
🔹 https://www.gramedia.com/literasi/rumah-adat-sulawesi-selatan/

▶ All The Videos/Images Licensed by Queen Cozy Tales.
▶ Videos/Images are Originally Created/Generated/Animated by Queen Cozy Tales.
▶ Videos/Images Copyright Under Standard License.

Keyword : bedtime, storiesforkids, storytime, bedtimestory, storiesforkids, kidsstoryinenglish, kidsstory, bedtimestories, fairytales, kidsbedtimestory, englishfairytales, classicfairytales, sleepstory, famousfairytales, bestfairytales, shortfairytales, ceritaIndonesia, Indonesianstory, indonesianfolklore, ceritarakyat, ceritadaerah, ceritarakyatsulawesi, ceritarakyatsulawesiselatan

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