A look back at 2024. Setting goals in 2025. - Another year in Warhammer

2 months ago

This battle report is a bit of a trial and test. I didn't record or take pictures of the event with intentions of making a battle report with it. But since I have them, I figured why not make something with them! This battle report uses the GW Christmas battleplan that came out for December 2024. I added some extra homebrewed rules to the battleplan to help spice things up a bit.

Chiyuki's Books: https://www.amazon.com/Happiest-Cat-World-Chiyuki-Krider/dp/1964012147/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&dib_tag=se&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6vc5llqxlUSKgdaxogOHDh9QqzkLInGzC-1S8uPf1QmYtcPNA6rYOk5VGiJrphrlHV7QYNf2LAYhoM7N52CBHUmeBD_eNccINR35DwfPjSteP8x25W5xyM_dv3hmCFyUgsddXZQjIKdbYcbjh5dqDXvOBJV-OAfN5O0s819CdLmXN4kasTjowr8GDpYv0czhZP1ObMqfGCewrK1JkoM1Is2JSH0LGwU2AC0VfBVW7y0.JyjiONH-HrHno_VGWUcYxGhY2jf_HM02KM0JU_5gfxY&qid=1724814012&sr=1-9

Background music:
Age of Conan OST
music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

VFX From: Vecteezy.com

-------------------------** LINKS **----------------------------------------
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/shurfrousky
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shurfrouskys_cult_of_nine/
MMO Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtvDZNURU8d2CeiV9mdT-A
Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/Shurfrousky

Contact: shurfrouskygaming@gmail.com

#warhammer #Tzeentch #ageofsigmar #40k #disciplesoftzeentch #newyear2025 #hobby

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