🎄Raw Green Noise - Sleep Meditation🟢 Heal Yourself! Relax During Holidays! Calm Hyperactive Nerves!🎄

1 month ago

The frequency of Green noise is is by far the most calming frequency. It mimics the sound of water under the surface. Due to that, it has an extreme calming effect.

There are many benefits to Green Noise.
Green Noise is commonly Referred to as the "Healing Frequency".
There are studies proving that green noise causes hyperactive nerves to settle down.
Since its so calming, Green noise is perfect for the holidays when stress is at an all time high. (Christmas Vacation anyone?)
When used during meditation you'll find a light smile appears on your face, seemingly out of nowhere.
Like all Noises, Green Noise can assist with tinnitus relief.

We recommend listening at night as you are falling into sleep, or when you need to tune out the world to focus on the task at hand.

This Meditation s being released on Dec 24 to help all of those during the holidays.

Namo Himalaya Friends

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