1 month ago

With the drones in New Jersey continuing their opperations apparently approved and kept secret by the US military industrial complex. As at least 4 types of flying craft has been independantly verified by the citizens of New Jersey. Every colour, every class, financial stability, everyone is seeing these and sharing the videos live on You Tube.
Why is it the rest of the government speaking in front of the media suggesting these people are having a mass hallucination or miss identified as planes or helicopters. Indeed there are New US military jets being flown as a distraction, small orbs which the military feels the need to sanitize airspace and re routing jets to other bases, there are larger plasma orbs that look like a jellyfish with no tentacles there have been people who claim to know these are a form of life we don't understand. Finally there are the real UFO's as in Delta Shaped, or boomerang like.
the FBI claims to not have a clue what they are up against. It's just a coincidence that funding for drone research and drones for offence and defensive purposes. They were set to lose the meager 500,000 in the spring there has been no need for this because it has not been a problem. Lucky for them this will not only guarantee the drones get funding and likely a lot more.

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