174 Hz Solfeggio The HIDDEN Power For HEALING

29 days ago

Discover The HIDDEN Power For HEALING - 174 Hz

Welcome to this experience. Today I bring you a set of frequencies to heal the mind and body through sounds that have proven to be healing.

But first, what are solfegio frequencies?
Well, they are patterns of sounds that have healing properties for the body and soul.

And in this video I bring you a combination of the frequencies 174, 417 and 741.

174 hz is a healing frequency and its benefits improve the body and organs.

417 hz removes negativity and helps heal the mind from past traumatic experiences.

And 741 hz helps to unblock emotions and helps us to feel self-assured, increasing our confidence and ability to relate to others.

Feel free to invoke your guardian angel to assist you and empower this experience.

It is helpful to do this exercise in a quiet place, making sure you are not disturbed. All you have to do is lie back and relax, and if you like, close your eyes.

Let's begin.

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