According to Winston Churchill, what was Germany's unforgivable crime?

19 days ago

According to Winston Churchill, what was Germany's unforgivable crime?
Germany's unforgivable crime was not its treatment of the Jews, blamed for dominating German government and betraying Germany at the end of WW1 by conspiring with Allied Jews to punish Germany into everlasting depression and debt. No, it was "DENYING WORLD FINANCE ITS OPPORTUNITY FOR PROFIT." All wars are Banker Wars, WW2 is no different.K & France declared war on Germany, starting WW2 after the "German Miracle" proved German society and economic system was superior to Banker run Crony Capitalism.Show more Churchill, like many in theK and America with its 30% German population, was supportive of Hitler initially, until he went broke and needed Jewish money to support himself, then he suddenly became the most vocal Hitler opponent ... huh?
Hitler wanted desperately an alliance withK and correctly saw Bolshevik Communism as the greatest evil on earth murdering 60 MILLION Orthodox Christians in Russia andkraine,...

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