The Spiritual Storm is HERE! Join the Ranks!

2 months ago

Let's storm into 2025 with the power and authority of Christ! Shannon M. Gross begins the year with a new series titled: Spiritual Storm with Part 1, “Join the Ranks”. In this first video, she releases a dream from June 2023 which represents the race all believers run according to the faith. In it, she shares the parallels between the plans God would have His people pursue, and what the enemy—the devil—would unleash to put people into fear and panic and distract them from God’s plans and purposes.

The dream, however, provides guidance on how to remain strong in the faith and release the power of Christ to overcome the adversary. Only a portion of believers (about 30%) are receptive and overjoyed with having the knowledge. Through revelation, whatever the power of darkness releases is an attempt to trick and confuse people to bring them into fear with their deception. This is an urgent call to the body of Christ not only to rest in Christ, but to open their hearts and mind to what the Spirit of God is communicating at this hour, so they can remain vigilant and have discernment and wisdom with the events surrounding them.

In conjunction to this dream, the Holy Spirit prompted her to release a word of knowledge received back in August 2024 which includes powerful instruction to remain in the presence and protection of God almighty, and for those who are trapped in sin, to repent and enter back into God’s unfailing love because His arms are open wide. This is a tumultuous time when people may face frightening circumstances, but if they head the invitation of their Lord and Savior and not only accept Jesus Christ into their hearts but ALLOW full and complete surrender to Him, then the peace of God will rest upon them.

It also reminds us to be cautious and keep our guard up. Even as we celebrate the victory of the election in the U.S. where the people chose God’s anointed for the job, we need to remain vigilant and focused on the good fight as the enemy has receded into the shadows to regroup and come with his own forces to storm against and attack God’s people. We must remain firm in Christ, and not only keep the territory we gain, but press forward so the righteous takes back the land and places Christ in the center. This is necessary for our country to thrive and so God can reign down blessing as we open our hearts to let righteousness and justice rule not only from the highest seat in the land, but in every believers heart and mind as we bring to fruition the plans and purposes of God as we act as His hands and feet and bring to earth what God released from heaven for us!

While Shannon prayerfully considers the meaning of her dreams and uses biblical references to understand their interpretations, she also turns to the book, Understanding The Dreams You Dream, by Ira Milligan, for additional insight. If you're interested in learning more about your dreams and their meaning, check the book out at this link:

This message intends to bring inspiration, encouragement, and motivation to help you live your best life as you live your faith! Join us every week to continue building your faith so you can Live Your Faith and live your BEST life!

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Shannon is a student of Christ who has sat at the feet of Jesus ever since a health-scare shook her to her core. She reignited her faith and allowed the Holy Spirit to live and reign in her life which led to the creation of where she shares what she learns from the written word of the bible, revelation from the Holy Spirit, and lessons she learned during her personal journey to hear from God as she follows His will and ways. She hopes these messages inspire, encourage and motivate you to boldly live your faith so you can live your BEST life as you deepen your relationship with the Creator and fulfill the purpose and destiny He has for your life.

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