Amazing Discovery in Cochin Hebrew Matthew 5:17-19

2 months ago

#Hebrew #HebrewMatthew #CochinHebrewMatthew #projecttruthministries #hebrewbible
Taking a look at the Hebrew Matthew from Cochin India. This is not to be confused by the Gaster Hebrew Matthew that comes from India. This manuscript has a large number for first century markers to suggest this is coming from a Hebrew original source. We have started translating it and came across this amazing find and we couldn't wait to put this out. We hope you enjoy!

Big thanks to Janice Baca for your work translating the Cochin Hebrew Matthew! You can check out her work on with her work on the Hebrew Revelation.

Big thanks to Kurt Sutton for donating the images of the Cochin collection. Great Photos buddy!

Big thanks to Jonathan Meyer for your work transcribing and editing! Couldn't do it without you!

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