教宗方濟各敦促猶太人「如果耶穌重返地球,就再次殺死他」 Pope Francis Urges Jews to "Kill Jesus Again" if He Returns to Earth

1 month ago


#教宗 #方濟各 敦促 #猶太人 「如果 #耶穌 重返地球,就再次殺死他」

#Pope #Francis Urges #Jew s to "Kill #Jesus Again" if He Returns to Earth


#教皇 #弗朗西斯 在意大利監獄發表的言論震驚了 #天主教會 ,令旁觀者震驚不已,在許多人稱之為公開的神秘儀式(據稱涉及打開「黑暗之門」)期間,教皇宣稱,如果耶穌重返人間,他希望他再次「被猶太人殺死」。是的,你沒聽錯,偏偏是在聖誕夜,如果你認為教皇弗朗西斯不可能再清楚地表明他是一個崇拜魔鬼的假先知,那你就錯了。

Pope Francis left onlookers stunned at an Italian prison when he made a statement that sent shock waves through the #CatholicChurch . During what many have described as an openly occult ceremony—one that allegedly involved opening a “portal of darkness”—the Pope declared that if Jesus were to return, he hopes He would be “killed by Jews” again. Yes, you heard that right. On Christmas Eve, of all days. If you thought Pope Francis couldn’t possibly make it any clearer that he is a false prophet who worships the Devil, you would be wrong.

沒TG的可用瀏覽器看: https://rumble.com/v65ixs1--pope-francis-urges-jews-to-kill-jesus-again-if-he-returns-to-earth.html

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v64iefj-pope-francis-urges-jews-to-kill-jesus-again-if-he-returns-to-earth.html

20210707 聖經 上21次說 猶太人 要殺 耶穌

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