DUC: Mismatched Narratives & the Truth About Minneapolis Homicides

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Welcome to Da Urban Conservative, where we cut through the noise and bring you the raw, unfiltered truth. No fluff, no apologies, just facts. Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s been twisted, flipped, and misused by too many folks out here: Corinthians, the truth about belief systems, and the reality of crime in our cities. Stay locked in, ’cause we’ve got some uncomfortable truths to unpack.

Alright, let’s get something straight right off the bat:
Corinthians tells us not to mismatch with unbelievers. But hear me when I say this — not once does it mention the color of someone’s skin. Yet here we are in 2025, still seeing folks twist scripture to justify division and hate. Let’s be clear — what Paul was talking about was a difference in values, in faith, in belief systems. You can’t build a house if your foundation is split between rock and sand. But let’s not make it about race when the Word never did.

Now, while we’re talking about mismatched foundations, let’s look at the foundation of our cities.

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