Dance, Dance, Dance

2 months ago

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Dance, Dance, Dance

29th of December 2024 02.40
Prophetic word by Mette Mirani Sternkopf

Dance, My beloved, dance!
Dance and rejoice with singing and gleen in Me.

Your redemption is near, your freedom is here.

My beloved warrior bride, you are beautiful and radiant.

I will reveal for the world to see who are My true Sons.

My glory, My Glory, My Glory will shine through My heirs.

You are born to be victorious in all your ways.

Stay in Me, stand on Me and you are covered under My wings.

It's time for the Wedding and the Harvest because these two go hand in hand.

The supernatural power will be seen on My heirs. It is your heritage, your portion.

You shall see My Kingdom in visible form, because you shall walk in revelation knowledge.

You shall walk in time, space and dimensions like My servant Enoch.

If you will keep a lifestyle of total surrendering and submission to Me. Then you shall see the deep, mighty and powerful secrets that I have hidden for you.

It's time for you to celebrate, rejoice and dance because your redemption is near.

Dance, Dance, dance in My Kingdom Glory. You are the heirs to tell His story.

My beloved Bride I Am cleansing you. You have been through fire and water and My right hand will keep you and sustain you.

In this hour I Am clothing My Bride with beauty and Heavenly Dew.

She is clothed in Righteousness and she is radiant in power, glory and wealth.

I Am yours and you are Mine you are born for such a time as this. You shall walk in this hour of divine time.

My Kingdom come and My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Isaiah 61
Psalm 91
Matt. 6:9-13
Rev. 19:7-8
Luke 21:28
Rom. 8:19

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