NOTES - Sharing the Gospel ENG Chinese Pinyin - Part 6

2 months ago

NOTES - Sharing the Gospel in Mandarin Chinese with Pinyin - PART 6
(Steps to take after accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour)
What should we do after receiving Jesus as Lord and Saviour?
Jiēshòule Yēsū wéi Zhǔ hé Jiùzhù hòu, wǒmen gāi zuò shénme?
接受了耶稣为主和救助后, 我们该做什么?
jiē 接 receive, take hold of, meet
shòu 受 receipt, accept
jiēshòu 接受 accept
le 了[used after a verb or adjective to indicate completion of work or change]
Yēsū 耶稣 Jesus
wéi 为 do, act, act as, become
Zhǔ 主 Lord
hé 和 and
jiù 救 (verb) rescue, save, help, relieve
Jiùzhǔ 救主 Saviour
hòu 后 after, afterwards, later, behind, back
wǒ 我 I
men 们 [used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plural number]
wǒmen 我们 we, us
gāi 该 should, ought to
zuò 做 do
shénme 什么 what
wǒmen gāi zuò shénme 我们该做什么 what should we do
(1) Pray and read the Bible every day
Měitiān qídǎo hé yuèdú Shèngjīng
měi 每 every, each
tiān 天 day, sky, heaven
měitiān 每天 every day
qí 祈 (verb) pray
dǎo 祷 (verb) pray
gào 告 (verb) tell, inform, request, ask for
qídǎo 祈祷 or dǎogào 祷告 (verb) pray
hé 和 and
yuè 阅 read, go over, review
dú 读 read, read aloud
yuèdú 阅读 read
Shèng 圣 Holy
Jīng 经 scripture, classics
Shèngjīng 圣经 the Bible; the Holy Bible
(2) Meet regularly with other Bible-believing Christians
Dìngqí yǔ qítā xiāngxìn Shèngjīng de jīdū tú jiànmiàn
dìng 定 decide, fix, set
qí 期 a period of time, scheduled time
dìngqí 定期 regular, at regular intervals, fix (or set) a date
yǔ 与 with
qítā 其他 (pronoun) other, else
xiāng 相 each other, mutually, [indicating how one party behaves towards the other]
xìn 信 (verb) believe, trust
xiāngxìn 相信 (verb) believe, have faith in
Shèng 圣 Holy
Jīng 经 scripture, classics
Shèngjīng 圣经 the Bible; the Holy Bible
de 的 [used after a noun, used after a pronoun]
Jīdū 基督 Christ
tú 徒 follower or believer
jīdū tú 基督徒 Christ follower / Christian
jiàn 见 (verb) see, meet with
miàn 面 (noun) face
jiànmiàn 见面 (verb) meet, see
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.
Yuàn Zhǔ Yēsū Jīdū de ēnhuì, Shén de cí'ài, Shènglíng de qì tōng, cháng yǔ wǒmen zhòngrén tóng zài. Āmen.
(2 Corinthians 13:14 / Gē lín duō hòu shū 13:14 / 哥林多后书 13:14)
yuàn 愿 hope, wish (may)
Zhǔ Yēsū Jīdū 主耶稣基 Lord Jesus Christ
de 的 [used after a pronoun]
ēn 恩 kindness, favour, grace
huì 惠 favour, kindness, benefit
ēnhuì 恩惠 grace
Shén 神 God
cì 赐 grant, gift
ài 爱 love
cí'ài 慈爱 kindly affection
Shén de cí'ài 神的慈爱 God’s love
Shèng 圣 Holy
líng 灵 Spirit
Shènglíng 圣灵 Holy Spirit
qì 契 contract, agreement
tōng 通 connect, communicate
qì tōng 契通 “fellowship”
cháng 常 frequently, often
yǔ 与 with
wǒ 我 I
men 们 [used after a personal pronoun or a noun to show plural number]
wǒmen 我们 us, we
zhòng 众 crowd, multitude
rén 人 man, person, people, everybody
zhòngrén 众人 everyone
tóng 同 same, together
zài 在 [indicating position of a person or thing]
tóng zài 同在 together
cháng yǔ wǒmen zhòngrén tóng zài
be with us all always

Note: "fellowship" has also been translated as xiàngjiāo xiāngqi 相交相契 . Xiàngjiāo 相交 = intersect / xiāngqi 相契 = compatible / agree with each other]

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