Debunked Human - Ep 4/5 - Conspiracy Rabbit Hole

2 months ago

There is a lot of confusion in this world generated by the cage mentality that has been created for us from those in so called power.

Flatearth, round earth, bloodstream medical thirsty zombie UFO businessmen coming to sign a contract in the bank in your mind. Psyops, doo wops, snake lizard kings, aliens, magicians, deep state trumpets from the old castles, robotic astronauts on steroids and sophisticated AI gender equal queens under your bed, left, right and in the center, religious or atheists, moon landing or golf playing, commenting, liking, disliking, following meat or bug eaters, or just simple plant killers... never look in the mirror... never taking the ownership... whatever mantra is playing next, people just line up begging to be pumped up with more crap. The list goes on as it is endless, but the purpose underneath the story is always the same. The simple control of the uncontrollable force of nature that does not really care about human ideas, , constructs, concepts and inferiority positions.

Calm yourself down and flow together with us in the conversation deep into the rabbit hole as the answers and the ownership of your life is within you and nowhere else.

No pill will take you there.


CoreDeeply - SIMPLY U
Hilarious & Simple Truth no one wants to hear

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