The Pedophile LGBT Agenda Exposed

2 months ago

This fine man hit the nail on the head, I have been saying this for years and the ordinary yet extremely gullible LGBT folk failed to see the Elephant in the room because pushing their "cause" came before common sense. The LGBT communities were tricked and fooled by those who infiltrated it. The "Trans" Trojan horse and all those extra letters and the new "flag" that when four are put together forms a swastika, was all about sexualising children.

A similar thing happened to the black communities with the "BLM" Trojan horse, once again the "cause" came before common sense, when three females who started BLM were self-confessed Marxists; two of which are in prison for Buying Luxury Mansions. One of the most prominent BLM leaders in the UK, another female is now no longer the same after being shot in the head by a black man, although the media refuse to say he was black, for obvious reasons. The BLM manifesto had many pledges, one saying "To destroy the nuclear family".... sounds like the communist playbook to me.

Time to wake up!

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