KABBALAH - The Religion of the Serpent - Full Documentary

2 months ago

Kabbalah is the oldest religion on earth. It began with the serpent in the Garden of Eden as he deceived Eve into believing she too could become like God. Kabbalah contains all of the fallen-angel doctrines of occult magick, dark rituals, and divination that have corrupted the human race throughout history and into the present day. Over the ages it has been cleverly disguised as many different things, and is the core foundation behind every powerful secret society.

Kabbalah is ultimately the religion of Lucifer, and is contained within the forbidden Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, also known in Kabbalah as the Sefirot Tree of Life.

As a Born-Again believer in Jesus Christ, I have come to recognize Kabbalah as the antithesis to the Biblical Gospel taught in the New Testament. Kabbalah opposes the truth and deity of Jesus in every capacity. It has a very specific agenda that is directing the high level Kabbalists of the world into creating the chaotic and anti-Christ world we are currently experiencing. Kabbalah affirms every single wicked agenda as well as the teachings of the world’s false religions. These are the reasons that convince me of the truths I reveal in this documentary.

I feel prompted by the Holy Spirit to expose what I have learned about Kabbalah to my fellow believers in Christ Jesus, so they can recognize it’s deceptive infiltration into the church.

What I present here in this documentary is only the tip of the iceberg regarding the satanic doctrines of the Kabbalah. I urge everyone to do their own research and come to their own conclusions about this. The truth is that there is only one direction the Kabbalah takes its students, and that’s toward the false light of Lucifer.

May this documentary expose evil in high places and glorify the Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ.

-BEN (Born Again)


Research Credits:
“Beware The World To Come” by Christopher John Bjerkness
“Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need to Know” by DeAnne Loper

The researchers above had no knowledge of me creating this documentary and may or may not agree with my final conclusions, however, I am very grateful for their indepth research, and owe them many thanks..

Music credits:

Chelsea Moon & The Franz Brothers, Ecstasy (a Sacred Harp Hymn)

Chill Music Lab, Sanctum - The Stars Are Retreating
Defrag - The Dawn of Utopia
Gereon - Monorail
Glitch - A Synthwave Mix
Chaos - On My Own
CO.Ag Music - A Place Hidden From God

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