I Want Cheap Electricity And A 2025 Holden Commodore

17 days ago

(Read Description Below -more- Channel Context/Comment)
3rd January 2025
Cost of living in Australia is out of control. Something is wrong.
(And YT is censoring his Comments section to oblivion - the truth can't actually get across when it is shared)

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Ea8X1TbJs

TBIW Comment: An example of where commenting to Share the missing pieces around; gets your Comments Removed by YT. Steve offered the man the Commodore Ute.
People; Go There to his channel and Comment hinting at the Remedy directions however you can, for those tuning in here that Do know it. Encourage Chris that he could really use that ute and maybe he should look into it!?! . That is about one of the few comments that seem to have made it through. All of mine were deleted, and I seen one or two others briefly that vanished, just saying "Hey great video mate. Should check out 'Locusts and Honey' here on YT" . Literally that is what you Comment, and it gets Removed. YT is evil. Are eyeballs removing comments after posting or is it AI?
Ability to communicate captured; while you were sleeping.

The Truth: https://old.bitchute.com/video/8djveMYxFtYC/
Another way: https://old.bitchute.com/video/bS7shaJWXg0H/
Federal Red Ensign Explained: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/your-federal-red-ensign-explained:0
Flags and Authority: https://old.bitchute.com/video/QEWV2a9Egoc3/
Nano-Tech WBAN Mavern/Lavender: https://old.bitchute.com/video/wP5gSDBTaxc7/
S.C. Ruling: https://www.caselaw.nsw.gov.au/decision/17ae62c4f87505817ce30e5a
Constitution: https://odysee.com/@FRAGPinball:3/TheAnnotatedConstitution-1900imp-RedCover:0
ANZAC Common Law eg: https://constitutionwatch.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Romani-v-State-of-New-South-Wales-NSW-Caselaw.pdf
Hague IV 'treaty': https://info.dfat.gov.au/Info/Treaties/Treaties.nsf/AllDocIDs/87956593F7B0A195CA256C950018C10E
2013 PGPA Act Sect.10-11: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2017C00269
Bill Of Rights Act 1688: http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/act/consol_act/bor16881wams2c2306/longtitle.html
Declaration (UN) re. Teaching History: https://austlii.edu.au/au/other/dfat/treaties/1939/3.html

Australian Imperial Crown on YT: https://www.youtube.com/@locustsandhoney486
Australian Imperial Crown on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@SpiersMedia:2
White Papers (vid/audio reading): https://www.youtube.com/@auseducation376
Australian Imperial Crown: https://australianimperialcrown.com/

Patriot Stickers https://www.morleysignworks.com.au/commonwealth-collection
Aus Patriot Shirts https://shop.spiersmedia.com/
Australian Federal Red Ensign: https://customflagsaustralia.com.au/product-category/1901-federal-land-flag/

TheBallIsWild on GAB: gab.com/TheBallIsWild
TBIW Chats and Lives: https://discord.gg/FrFPjRQFUb

One Crown, One Flag, One People, One Destiny.
Lest We Forget <3

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