Crisis Actors - Fake Truck Attack in New Orleans - New Years Day 2025

1 month ago

Prepare to be bombarded with Hoaxes which will be designed to bedazzle and terrify Americans into capitulating to a new level of enslavement. The government will accelerate its plans this year for:
* Digital ID’s
* 15 minute Smart Cities
* Driver-less cars
* Increased surveillance
* Psychological evaluations and mental health screenings
* Online censorship/regulations
* Gun control
* A social credit system.

They are getting many of their long-term goals accomplished through all these Hoaxes. Once the framework of their envisioned JWO is securely established, the pigs will take the skills learned from these endless simulation drills and use them against the American people when commanded. Then you will see true violence and terrorism.

ISIS is a creation of the Mossad, the Israeli equivalent of the CIA. They are Jews who specialize in propaganda and lies to achieve their goals. Do not forget their motto: "By way of deception, thou shalt do war."

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