Article 5196 Video - Beloved Countrymen - New Year's Thoughts from James Belcher

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Article 5196 Video - Beloved Countrymen - New Year's Thoughts from James Belcher - Wednesday, January 1, 2025 By James Belcher

I asked my wife, Anna, to take a few minutes out of one of her few days away from work to do some work for me. She agreed without shouting or whining. That's love.

Having recovered somewhat from the illness and the treatment for the illness, which was worse, I can encourage everyone to cut short any hospital stays and rely upon Ayurvedic and Oriental Medicine instead of putting your money and health at the risk of man-made drugs.

The wisdom of Nature and thousands of years of medical practice aimed at promoting health will always be superior to our mindless profit-seeking "science".

Providence Medical Center, supposedly the best such facility in Alaska, sent me home with bedsores, diaper rash, suffering from dehydration, unable to speak, confused, unsteady and unable to walk. In two months, love and Ayurvedic Medicine and practical knowledge have brought me back to comfort and life.

Don't trust your loved ones or yourself to the tender mercies of profiteering doctors and hospitals. If you absolutely must use these facilities, make your stay as brief as possible and have your paperwork ready and signed and witnessed--- telling them your instructions in writing before you are admitted.

Cover such things as not accepting any vaccinations, requiring or not requiring any extreme measures like ventilators to sustain life, but all reasonable and customary care, etc., etc., etc., according to your own choices. Don't leave it up to them.

If you have loved ones in hospitals or long term care units, check on them or arrange for them to be checked on every day by family members or hired caregivers. If you are looking for a job, or an extra income, advertise these services. Offer to bring treats to hospitalized or institutionalized patients and keep an eye on them for their friends and family when the friends and family can't be there.

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