Bill Gates & Cow farts. 1980s killing cows with GMO corn. Today vaccines & drugs.

2 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Bill Gates: In terms of the cows, there's another way you can change what they eat, and you could either put that in their water or their feed. There is a drug to change the microbiome, not a vaccine, but a drug.
Clay Clark: Dr. Judy Mikovits, what is he talking about?
Judy Mikovits, PhD: He's talking to those morons, the people that sit there and say, Oh, that's amazing. CH4, carbon, and four hydrogens. What about that methane gas? Oh, what about that isn't critical for all of life on this earth, carbon and hydrogen? He's talking about, he told you again, okay, if we can't destroy the microbiome of cows, because feeding corn to them, which was deadly - Remember, when I worked in UpJohn in 1986, the goal was to destroy cows and GMO with corn, so that Americans wouldn't get food and they'd get synthetic and deadly fat. So you see, he's okay. If we can't get them to vaccinate, we'll do just what we did with the humans. We'll bring in Remdesivir or Paxlovid and kill them. Okay if we can't get them to buy that strategy, let's kill them another way. Let's find another way to destroy what God gave humans for food, which is cows and birds and chickens and eggs and meat. We get sarcasine out of meat!

01/01/2024 - Thrivetime Show:

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