Web3 Church And Technology To Minister And Help Address Real World Problems

1 month ago

In this video we take a "tour" of the neighborhood around a church based in one of the web3, Earth-based digital twin metaverse platforms. This was done to show the types of buildings near the specific location and how each kind of building addresses high-emotion topics.

As we start 2025 (tonight's recording is January 2, 2025) people in the United States are dealing with significant high emotion concerns and problems. These challenges are not easy to solve or resolve in traditional ways. Over time this ministry aims to use the new technology and possibly give encouragement, hope, scriptural insight, and community to those who might enjoy this new technology's digital environment.

This is a new approach to ministry, and the main focus will be on real world issues. As time goes on, we hopefully will narrow the scope so that we can help a lot of people in ways which this technology can solve challenges and/or bring a sense of peace in ways which are almost impossible otherwise.

I am open to your suggestions , so please leave your comments for future discussion. Thank you.

Metaverse platform link to join is https://mylandearth.com Please note that this is not my platform nor do I have any equity stake in it. I chose it based on conversations with the development team and its ability to create an environment which most other web3 platforms cannot regarding being able to visit most places on Earth.

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