Rosa Koire Explains the UN Agenda 21 (2030) Plans and How to Resist

2 months ago

UN Sustainable Development was agreed to by 179 nations in 1992 at the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The intent is to implement a global plan locally. It is the biggest public relations scam in the history of the world. It's a recipe for destruction, enabling and justifying the monitoring, metering and restricting of energy and water usage (smart meters); instituting a carbon tax on industry and individuals; pulverising our roads and dams; instituting data collection and data sharing in every single part of our lives that have formerly been private; diagnosing a huge proportion of us with mental illness and drugging us. Indoctrinating all students, from preschool to postgraduate school. Changing land use across the world in order to concentrate populations in high density housing in cities for control. And much more, in a global transfer to mega corporations, as she describes here.

This is the erection of a global corporatocracy. A global totalitarian state. Happening right now.

WE are the resistance. Work together and put an end to it.


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