Documenting loss traders. FINALLY THE FBI confirmed these guys real!

2 months ago

I've been #1 world in Starcraft, Broodwar, Warcraft3, Starcraft 2 2v2.

Lots of people say I'm the best video gamer who ever lived.

So in order for my voice for human rights for China/Iran to be silenced, they pay people to DE-INFLUENCE me.

Yes, paid people, to make sure my brand doesn't get out.

It's confirmed by the US government. This is a conspiracy from China, just like many conspiracies before. Watch the music video,"We Didn't Start the Fire." , conspiracies happened all through human history. The real crazy people are those who think no one lies or does plots. So this conspiracy is confirmed by the United States government.

We have had about 10,000 games where people lose on purpose, and counting.

I'm censored on: X, Facebook, Amazon, Twitch(Banned), Reddit(Banned), Fark(covid disinformation), Youtube(Christian), Linkedin(Talking about discrimination)

I been denied work because I'm Christian at: Blizzard Entertainment, Schell Games, Unity3d, and more.

I been denied pay by Apple, Google, MTV, Shockwave, Kongregate.

I been stolen software off my computer by Adobe/Microsoft.

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