The Greatest Mewing Secret for Babies & Kids

2 months ago

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0:00 Developmental plasticity
0:19 Eskimos became deformed and unhealthy once they switched to processed food
0:58 Flexibility can be lost by babies & toddlers if they're don't move or rest normally
1:32 The skulls of hyenas don't grow normally if they're raised on soft food
1:42 Ditto for people, which often leads to snoring and even sleep apnea
1:56 Sleep apnea can cause chronic physical and mental illness as well as low cognitive ability
2:06 Shocking study showing enormous difference in intelligence between groups!!
2:27 Any human population can change drastically in appearance in a single generation
2:56 Why most identical twins look almost identical
3:55 Why Mewing has become a global phenomenon
4:10 Analogy between eyeballs and resting tongue posture
4:50 Photo and description of normal resting tongue posture
5:16 Henry Cavill is one the best looking actors AND deformed
5:33 The typical facial development of American Indians 2 centuries ago and now
5:48 Women on OkCupid rate over 1000% more men below average than above!
6:12 Historically, very few men and many women have had children
6:16 The orthodontic (cephalometric) standards are based on deformed people!
6:48 Orthodontists typically have abnormal aesthetic preferences for flat, downswung faces
7:18 Charles Tweed is partly responsible for abnormal preferences among orthodontists
7:40 Almost no one knows what a normal human face looks like
7:45 Joe Rogan has sleep apnea, yet is unaware that people with his deformity are at risk
8:32 Brooke Shields also has a sleep breathing disorder because her face didn't grow normally
8:44 Do you know a single person with normal teeth?
9:00 Most people feet were also deformed at an early age
9:18 An example of the incompetence of the orthodontic authorities
10:32 The greatest Mewing secret! Fix your baby's pathological tongue posture
11:03 Why starting orthodontic treatment in infancy is important
11:53 Link between sudden infant death syndrome, facial deformity, & sleep disordered breathing
13:00 Crime scene investigators better educated than orthodontists and pediatricians
13:14 The orthodontic authorities admit they don't know what causes bad bites and crooked teeth
13:31 Dental schools don't teach what normal resting tongue posture is!
13:48 Why abnormal resting tongue posture is pathological
14:07 People with no tongue, a huge tongue, a tiny tongue, and an asymmetrical tongue
16:07 Improve the facial growth of your older children
16:27 Parents should get healthy before conception so that baby is born anatomically normal
16:58 This used to be conventional wisdom in several cultures
18:19 I will reveal the greatest Mewing secret to everyone in the future
19:02 I'll also reveal other medical secrets like the established diet to heal cavities
19:30 Learn how to heal and prevent many other chronic physical and mental illnesses that have only recently become common

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