❤️💔 DON'T Lose Heart! (2nd Corinthians 4)

2 months ago

DON'T Lose Heart! (2nd Corinthians 4) - 5.12.2021 Midweek Service
Good evening! Here is Open Door’s midweek service for May 12, 2021. Pastor talks to us about why some believers backslide, give up, and quit in the faith. He explains how we can effectively avoid these dangerous paths in godly ways using what Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4.
13:07 Intro to the message.
15:37 1. An incredible statement.
20:42 2. A familiar struggle.
28:39 3. The wonderful blessing.
42:11 4. Every affliction has purpose.
47:30 Conclusion & closing prayer.

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