HN6 2/2 The Final Solution is NOT what we have been told!

2 months ago

The lies we have all been told about the 'Final Solution' are so enormous that it is difficult for the truth to dislodge the delirium. The mainstream narrative consists not only in shameless lies about history, but lies about man, about a whole people, about Gentiles and about the Church. And about God.

This video presents documentary evidence for a very different version of events, and once it all sinks in, it is good news. For those who have time and interest, frequently pausing the video to read the details in the documents will strengthen the conviction that the Big [holocaust] Lie is an attack on reality itself. The 'final solution' developed from legal restrictions to general emigration; then because this was dangerous in wartime, it focussed on a territorial solution (Madagascar, Palestine, Lublin-Nisko); then due to expansion eastwards of German occupied lands, it adapted to forced evacuations into occupied Soviet territories; but while this brought its own problems, the turn of the war against the Axis powers meant that the final stage of AH's overall plan could never be attempted -- that was the expulsions of the Jews from all Europe: first from the Reich, then by persuasion from well disposed European nations, and finally -- if the Axis had won -- through compelling defeated European nations through peace treaties to adopt similar polices. Of course, it never came to this, for God has other plans, much better than expulsions. The victory He calls us to is to be won by charity.

While only Jesus Christ offers any solution, and while AH missed that and therefore fell far short, I admire his commitment to his people and his courage in even attempting to free his country, and Europe, from slavery to the globalist Jews. No leader today speaks as clearly as he did about the problem. We do not need to repeat his mistakes, but we do need a pope who will lead the world to the only spiritual solution, just as the New Testament demonstrates.

Blessed Octave of St Stephen!

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