proof of Maurice Laverne Huggins committing perjury on the stand. Huggins is unbecoming of LEO

2 months ago

in this video we have Maurice Laverne Huggins committing perjury on the stand. Huggins on March 9th attempted to frame Joshua Washburn for the crimes of assault and battery in the first degree times two with a deadly weapon being a black semi-automatic pistol. these were false charges that Huggins attempted to pin on me while I was in jail for being a fugitive from justice from Indiana. Huggins admits on body camera in a video that will be posted right after this one that he looked by name up two days prior without warrant or reason which is a clear violation of the uses of the NCIC police background check. he then proceeded to contact Indiana and violate my constitutional rights and violate the method of extradition. Lawrence V King says that the asylum state cannot be the state that initiates extradition which is what Huggins was attempting to do.

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