Understanding Salvation: A Threefold Method

1 month ago

Join us today as we continue our journey into God's word, picking up from our discussion on salvation. We'll delve deeper, beginning with the song 'Save' by Jack P. Schofield to set the tone. In this episode, we'll discuss the threefold method of salvation. The first method, salvation by blood, emphasizes the significance of Jesus' sacrifice. The second method, salvation through a person, identifies that salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. Stay tuned as next time we'll explore the third method: salvation by grace. Let's grow in faith and understanding together.

00:00 Introduction and Purpose
00:14 The Christmas Story and Salvation
01:37 False Hopes of Salvation
03:14 The Method of Salvation
06:11 Salvation by Blood
10:03 Salvation Through a Person
12:02 Conclusion and Next Steps

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