Why do YOU support open debate on "The Holocaust"

1 month ago

I don't support open debate anymore. You'll be debating me as I testify in court against your hoaxing ass Thomas Kranz and others. The Holocaust muh gas showers of doom fumigation room gas shower fake shower whatever the fuck shit is a god damned fucking demonstrable hoax. Majdanek must relabel those fucking rooms and stop hoaxing. Fuck Soviet propaganda get that last Lenin statue the fuck out of Europe.

This is as "feminine" as I will ever get in any of my presentations I don't think I can do something as nice and scholarly and straight laced again as The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth videos. I am George Carlin on crack standing outside the Holocaust museum yellin about muh gas showers of doom and zisblatt eating doodie diamonds folks. It broke my heart when Alison was prosecuted for singing a song about Irene Zisblatt. I knew somehow I may have been responsible. I knew to edit everyone's words here carefully as all the stars were from Canada and Britain.

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