Storming Samantha - The Muslim Grooming/Rape Gangs in Telford, UK

2 months ago

activity at any point.

I was five when I was first abused.

And like 96.5% of sex abuse cases, CPS refused to take my abusers to court.

Then, I went on national TV with Mark Steyn to discuss child sexual exploitation in my hometown and the fact that little girls are still being raped and exploited on council estates in Telford today.

The police came banging on my door the next day after searching every address I’d ever lived at.

They tried to demand that I go to the police station for an “interview” and tried to intimidate me into silence because:

“When you go on national TV to discuss grooming gangs, you should expect us to come to you.”

This isn’t a thing of the past. This is the present.

Every Police Officer who has turned a blind eye will be found guilty, just as they will for assisting in the Covid-19 Genocide and crimes against humanity. Their arrogance and ignorance will be their downfall, in fact every single day EVERY a Police Officer working for a Corporation, putting on his or her uniform every day then this is proof of intent to commit fraud via the execution of his or her duties, by aiding and abetting a living being into committing fraud unknowingly because without lawful joinder the Police Officer has no lawful or legal jurisdiction. The Police Officer are themselves dead corporate entities, by their own consent.

I will thoroughly enjoy watching, hearing of them having their doors kicked down and for them being dragged away by the military. The same goes for anyone who has played a part in the abuse of our children, that goes for Council workers, treasonous Judges and so on. All those who swore an oath will be held accountable, your faces will be shown to everyone, and you will never be able to walk down the street again. As for the grooming/rape gangs, a similar fate awaits. Enjoy.



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