1/2/25 Pray for President Trump.❤️

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Urgent: Pray for President Trump!
January 2, 2025 Veronika West
urgent stamp imagePresident Donald J. Trump with flag

Today, I felt a sudden prompting to intercede on behalf of President Trump.

As I paused to reflect and pray, I was shown a strategic attack being plotted against him.

It reminded me of Judas, who sat at the table during the Last Supper, when Jesus broke bread and shared wine with His disciples.

I urge you to pray for complete exposure and full disclosure regarding those closest to the President — those he considers friends.

Let us remember that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers and principalities of darkness in heavenly places.

I have seen a demonic plot already in motion — meticulously orchestrated and carefully executed.

We must pray for a divine hedge of protection around President Trump, his Sons, his Grandchildren, and those entering the New Administration…

Please take a moment to review a powerful word I released recently; it requires your urgent attention…

“Urgent Prophetic Submission:
War Rages Over the Oval and Oath of Office“
“So yesterday, November 12, 2024, I was praying in my wee prayer hut, when suddenly I was taken into an open Vision, where I saw President Trump standing on the Presidential Podium.He was about to put his right hand upon the Bible to take The Oath of Office, when I heard The Spirit say, ”Daughter, there is a War raging over The Oval and Oath of Office!”

Then I heard The Spirit of Revelation say, ”Listen! Watch and Pray, for the next sixty-eight (68) days will determine the divine trajectory of a Nation in The Valley of Decision!

I say Watch and Pray — for there are many deadly pitfalls along this way.

Again I say, Remnant — Watch and Pray! Shields up and Swords drawn — for the road to Inauguration Day shall be marked by treachery, treason and great trouble, for there is a battle still raging over The Oval and Oath of Office — and My Covenant Promise!

So pray! I say Decree! Decree!! Decree!!! — and it shall pave the way and forge a highway that My Glory may come, that My Will may be done, and My Word may be established.

Pay attention! Be alert and on guard, for a sound has been heard in the deeper realms — a cry of the birth pangs of a Nation now in the midst of delivering, has drawn in the great Dragon that is now circling.

For I say, this is a Day of War for Divine Restore and Liberation from the ruling powers of Jezebel and the great dragon of Leviathan!”

As I listened, I began to pray fervently in The Spirit, and the burden of The LORD only increased as I saw a great War over The Oval and Oath of Office.

scales imageSatan knows that as soon as President Trump lays his right hand upon The Bible, the gavel will fall and a sudden mega-shift and a supernatural lifting and tipping of The Scales of Justice and Judgement will take place over The Nation!

Now, with these things still swirling in my heart after my prayer time, I went out to meet with some leaders in the afternoon, and not long into our conversation, one of the leaders said to me, ”Let’s pray for protection over Trump taking The Oath of Office — because that’s where the battle is!”

Those words served as powerful confirmation of what I had heard in the morning prayer time!

Friends, our Prayers in this hour and for the next sixty-eight (68) days must predominately target President Donald J. Trump taking The Oval and Oath of Office, for that’s where the enemy greatest threat and fear will be, as God brings a Nation into the fullness of its Kingdom Destiny! ”

Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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