Are We All Contaminated?

2 months ago

An interview between National ARM President David Meiswinkle Esq and Bruce De Torres

Bruce writes: This is an important conversation. I encourage everyone to confirm its contents and spread the word. Only we can save ourselves.

David Meiswinkle is a New Jersey criminal defense attorney, Army veteran, retired police officer, and founder and president of the National American Renaissance Movement, a non-profit that works to resist attempts at world control. provides comprehensive information about the dangers facing us, and tools to help us re-create America. David is also past President and Executive Director of the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry.

Summary and paraphrase:

Scientist Clifford Carnicom and the National American Renaissance Movement have signed an Intellectual Property Agreement “to help preserve, protect and develop the scientific work of scientist Clifford Carnicom for the good of humanity.”

From “The Agreement [involves] the intensive study of an air borne filament which has been corroborated to be the same filament found in strange biosynthetic, plastic/rubbery blood clots attributed to the Covid-19 vaccination found by embalmers.” Clifford's work can be found at and

Horrifying filaments are raining down on us from chemtrails, and they’re in the Covid vaccines and in the blood not only of the vaccinated but also the unvaccinated. They seem to be nanotechnology, cause Morgellons disease, and create the long, white, rubbery “clots” found in the veins of the dead. “Morgellons disease causes black, white, red, or blue fibers to appear under the skin or protrude from it. People may also feel like something is crawling under their skin.”

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Board member of, has done work with Clifford Carnicom (shown in her book, TRANSHUMAN: The Real COVID-19 Agenda, Volume 1: Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy Exposes Self-Assembling Nanotechnology and the Global Technocratic Plan). Dr. Mihalcea has found these filaments in different animals and meat, like deer and squirrels, and in insulin, certain anesthesia, and in other medicines. Dr. Mihalcea can be followed at

David said, “Because of the contents in the platform of these self-assembling hydrogels – they have this high metal content which is like an antenna – they believe that it could be, and hopefully not, a kind of electronic circuitry being built in people, [and could be used as] a kill switch.” When they pass low voltage through vaccinated blood, the filaments go wild. It grotesquely activates the filaments. It makes them more lively and makes them grow quickly.

So, they’re thinking that you could direct voltage to an individual, a city, a country, to the world. We all have cellphones. We all have computers. There are 5G towers all over. Satellites above us. We can be affected healthwise. What about mind control or being wiped out?

Mr. Carnicom has been studying the filaments from chemtrails for 25 years. There are filaments within filaments within filaments. It’s a very sophisticated weapon, not an act of God or an act of nature. Where’s it’s going, we can only imagine in the context of a transhumanist society where Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has said that 2030 is date of full implementation of a sustainable agenda where people will “own nothing and be happy,” and where Yuval Harari, his puppet, has said humans are a thing in commerce, you have no soul, you have no freedom, humans are a hackable animal, you have no dignity, so what are you worried about?

Mr. Carnicom posted much of his work online. He found the IP addresses of entities that were spying on him: Fort Louis. Lockhead Martin. Los Alamos. Allergan Pharmaceutical. Raytheon. Boeing. The United Stated Defense Logistics Agency. The United States Airforce. The Pentagon. The CIA. The Navy. Wright-Patterson Airforce Base. The United States Army Medical Department. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Bristol Myers. The Mayo Clinic. It’s a list of 120 names. Everybody was looking at him. Eventually, some technology was used to prevent him from seeing who was looking at him.

The filaments don’t fit any of the categories of life on Earth. Mr. Carnicom calls it xenobiotic, which means strange or alien. He sent it to the EPA to identify in 1999. They returned it after a year and a half with no identification and basically said, “We don’t do that kind of stuff.” And yet all these agencies are looking at what he has found.

David describes how a molecule gets removed from iron in our blood, turning the iron basically into rust, which might account for many ailments, like chronic fatigue syndrome, that have plagued us for decades. This thing is stealing our iron and our oxygen and is growing itself. That’s how the hydrogel grows.

They spray the sky. Then there’s a big rain. It’s in the water, the animals, the plants. It gets into all of us. We’re all totally saturated with it and we don’t even know it. This is the work that Clifford Carnicom is doing, trying to find everything that’s in this filament and hydrogel.

Dr. Ana says, since 2022, all blood she’s looked at has it. For people bad she has found that EDTA Chelation and a high dosage of Vitamin C will wipe heavy metals out of your body. That’s a one-two punch.

Bruce recounts how Catherine Austin Fitts is asking, what happens when 70% of mothers realize that they let their children get a vaccine that hurt or killed them? “Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Screens, LLC. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.”

David replied that awareness is increasing. People are realizing it was a psychological operation to frighten everybody to get this killer vaccine. Per the work of Dr. Mihalcea and Mr. Carnicom, it has a biosynthetic filament. A xenobiotic life form that’s never existed before exists now in every human being. The import of that, we really don’t know because it hasn’t been studied.

This is really a new paradigm with Clifford Carnicom’s work. He is the generator of it. He is the pioneer. Up to Dr. Mihalcea and Dr. David Nixon, a colleague of hers who does amazing work in Australia. Now there are doctors all over the world who are doing this. This is a new paradigm.

Many doctors have spoken out against the deadly Covid protocols and shots, but they need to look at this work because it’s even worse than they think it is.

“Carnicom institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research for the public welfare. The Institute is currently focused on the important issues of geoengineering and bioengineering.”

Clifford has probably studied the Morgellon's filament more than any other American scientist. He discovered it and had to name it. He called it Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) because the Government refused to name it. Now it's called Morgellons.

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