Prissy, sit down!!!!

2 months ago

When I first brought her home she fit in my shirt pocket. A pocket full of life. She went everywhere with me except work. In the video she is throwing a fit because she wanted to sit in my lap. She was use to being inside my coat but was getting to big for that now. Whenever I went into freddies or wally world she would fit inside my coat and just her head would stick out. I had a lot of people take a double look. She loved going to the claims but I was always afraid of an eagle taking her home for lunch so I had a friend keep her while I was gone. It was always a party when I came to pick her up. She always slept down between my legs under the blanket. Never got her to sleep in her own bed. In 2017 she got sick and passed away. Was the second worse day of my life. Jeremy being the first and btw he passed in 2017 also. 2017 was a reallllly bad year. I had a massive heart attack in January, Jeremy died in April and we had a horrible car wreck on Friday 13th October (go figure) that put my wife in the hospital for 6 weeks. She ended up loosing her leg below the knee but that's a story for next time. btw if you didn't know it you would never know she was a below the knee amputee. RIP Prissy
Note: I am producing lot's of videos of my own. I will try to upload this content as much as I can. ThanQ for all your follows and wonderful comments. But, I am not the producer of this content and I only provide the content for your entertainment or whatever you get out of it.
Always Question the algorithms 🤔
ThanQ, AlgorythemQ

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