Thank You Dr. Fauci – Jenner Furst

1 day ago

***Must See! 2024 Documentary written and directed by Jenner Furst.

Was Covid-19 a True Conspiracy?

Jenner Furst unveils enough dots that I truly believe you can say it was a conspiracy and Fauci was the man that knew it but yet he had to act like everything was foreign.

This not only exposes Fauci, but the cover-up by our entire “Science Industry” and how ANYONE (Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director) who questioned the narrative were quickly removed, dismissed and discredited.

From Chapel Hill to Wuhan and back again – all FUNDED by Fauci. And a massive Cover-up conducted by those “in the know.”

Did Covid really come from the Wet Market like Chinese CDC Director first said.

Hell No it didn’t.

Was this a Natural Viral Transfection, from animal to human?

Hell No it wasn’t.

Was it Man Made in a Lab – “Educated in the Laboratory” – Gain of Function Research?

YES – 100%.

Did Fauci know this?

YES – 100%.

Fauci is the “Poster Boy” of Gain of Function Research and he committed Perjury and he should be in prison for the rest of his pathetic life.

Watch the LIES the come out of Fauci’s mouth.

It is sickening. And people went on a “Thank You” Campaign for this murderer – thanking him for saving the world and it was the this very guy that was behind all of it. Just Unbelievable how little people know.

How did fragments of the HIV Virus spike protein get into the SARS-COV-2 Covid Virus?

That could only be there in one way and for one reason. It was deliberately inserted and it is engineered to slowly deteriorate the immune system so people will get sick for real in the next pandemic they cause.

What is the “F Word” in science?


The Genome of the Covid SARS Virus affirms that it is Unnatural – it is Man Made in a Lab. 100%.

Sir Jeremy Farrar, Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci are the “Unholy Trinity” of funders to the scientific community. They control over $72 Billion of Grants to the scientific community every YEAR.

Science depends on them for $$.

When these 3 got together on a conference call and asked all of those “regulars”, those who most often receive funds because their science matched the “desirable outcomes” from the grantees, they were asked a favor to help cover-up the covid scam by spreading disinformation and labeling any data from others as disinformation.

Do you see how they operate?

How they hide true science and control the science they want published?

Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak – two of Fauci’s main “puppets” as they receive regular big funds from multiple agencies.

From everything I have seen from Dr. David Martin I would say the main players in this Covid game are: Anthony Fauci, Sir Jeremy Farrar, Francis Collins, Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak.

Peter Daszak runs Ecohealth Alliance and they do a lot of work with guess who, the Wuhan Lab.

Peter Daszak, Fauci and Ralph Baric had a private conference. There may have been others also. But after this meeting, Prestigious Peer Reviewed Journals began retracting ANYTHING that they had approved that contradicted the narrative that Fauci was selling the world.

That is what you call, the Power of Big Money.

Journals have scientific “Peers” who review the science. Well they put pressure on Peers to find flaws with these studies and had them put the pressure to Journals telling them to withdraw these studies.

Not only that, the very scientists that asked for the true science to be retracted began writing their own “science” about how the virus could not have came from the lab.

That folks is what you call “Fake Science.” It wasn’t true science but they can find enough studies to use as reference to form this “opinion.”

Once again – Fake Science. All to cover-up the deception, shame on them all.

They went on a Media Campaign and they even went as far as publishing a “Non-Scientific Article” in the prestigious Lancet Journal that said anyone who believes this virus came from a lab is a conspirator. “We strongly stand together to condemn conspiracy theories suggesting Covid came from a Lab.”

F*cking Liars. They are the ones committing the crime of the century.

They should be tried in a common court in public and if found guilty should be publicly stoned to death for crimes against humanity. It’s that serious. This, in my opinion is a crime against humanity.

Doctors have the responsibility of causing NO HARM. Dr. Fauci was putting EVERYONE on the Planet at Risk.

This was a Laboratory Generated Pandemic. 100% Everyone involved should be held accountable.

Watch this one. It’s good.

Award-winning documentarian Jenner Furst seeks answers from Dr. Fauci about the origins of COVID-19, a bio-arms race with China, and what could be the largest cover-up in modern history.

Awaiting Fauci’s reply, Furst falls down a rabbit hole, decoding hundreds of thousands of pages of documents with prominent scientists, intelligence analysts, former government officials, and whistleblowers.

Risking his career and reputation, Furst depoliticizes one of the most controversial stories of our time, in an urgent scientific docu-thriller that is Oppenheimer meets Outbreak.

P.S. → Watch out for Bird Flu being Sprayed by Drones. Dr. Ron Foucher, Professor of Virology, Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, made the Bird Flu Virus Airborne.

Bioweapons are just a tool in the play box of these insane global eugenicists who desire to shave the population by 90%. That’s a sizable haircut.

Wake Up!

Source: Adaneth –


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END. 1/5/2025 3:00 PM

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