The Bridge: Community meeting held on 19th December 2024 - Part 2

2 months ago

I hadn't intended to record this meeting as I thought it wouldn't be possible and had left my camera behind. However it turned out it was okay, so I recorded what I could on my phone. It means the audio and picture quality is not as good as it could have been.
This was a community meeting for the residents of Cambridge and the surrounding villages regarding where Cambridge and Cambridgeshire seem to be heading. One of the things that came out of this meeting was how little local residents seem to know about the changes that were taking place and the proposals for future changes.
To me it looks like all these changes that seem so inconsequential when looked at in the piecemeal way in which they are being implemented, will actually lead to the city and the county being a radically different place in the next few years if seen as a whole. I think what may happen to the market is just part of this bigger picture. Perhaps it is time we all started paying much closer attention to all of these proposals so we can decide if what the GCP, central government and the local authority want for the area is actually what we want.
The first speaker in this part was Neil MacArthur, representing the Cambridgeshire Residents Group. He was followed by Kieran Johnson of Cambridge Against the Congestion Charge. After him was Stephen George, deputy chairman of Cambridge Conservatives responsible for political campaigning, who had been asked to read out a message from Delowar Hossain, Conservative councillor for King's Hedges ward in Cambridge, as Delowar was on a family holiday. The last speaker in this part was Paul Bristow, the Conservative candidate for mayor of Cambridge and Peterborough.

Useful Links:

Cambridgeshire Residents Group:

"£4.7m spent on aborted Cambridge congestion charge proposals"

"Traders overwhelmingly in favour of re-opening Mill Road bridge to cars"

"Cambridge Mill Road traders vow they'll protest 'unbelievable' bridge closure"

Keep Mill Road Bridge Open For All!

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