How I made $1000 in one day with ChatGPT

2 months ago

I've made over a thousand bucks in one day using ChatGPT, as you can see here on my screen. And I'm about to show you how you can do exactly the same using simply your phone. Now, the website that I've been using to perform this method is called Prompt And if you want to follow this video along with me, you can simply open the text guide down below in this video. It will contain all of the links, resources, and prompts, everything you need to be able to follow along with me step by step. Now, as you can see here on my screen, Promptbase is a website that will help you sell your prompts created with AI to generate one specific result every single time a person uses this exact same prompt. So right now, what you're seeing here on my screen is basically the Amazon for AI prompts. And as you can see, some sell for as low as 399, as well as some selling for as high as $19.99. Now, as you can see here on my screen as well, PromptBase is a website that gets 441,000 total visits every single month. This means that every single month, 400, almost half a million people come to this website. They're actively looking for something to buy. And all you have to do is fill this demand. So if you don't already have ChatGPT, I recommend that you get ChatGPT right now because we're going to be using it to perform this video. Step two, we need to create a completely free advertisement to add into the top of any single video. To be able to do this, we're going to be using a website called And Snipply is completely free. You do not have to pay to use any of the tools I'm going to show you in this video. Simply get started for free with each one of these tools if you have to just get a free trial.

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