”The Romance of a People” Zionist Satanic Pageant held in Chicago, 1933

2 months ago

1933: 150,000 Jews gathered in Chicago for a “historical pageant” to simulate a child sacrifice to Moloch.

The event was called ”The Romance of a People”

It was organized by the Zionist Organization of America.

Israel was later founded by the Rothschilds and other powerful Zionists.

Woodrow Wilson sold America to the Zionist Bankers by creating the Federal Reserve Bank.

Woodrow Wilson was also one of the architects of the League Of Nations that later changed into the United Nations.

The United Nations is about to become a gigantic coffin.

1933, the same year Hitler came to power. In 1939 it was the Nazis turn to have a pageant, held in New York City at Madison Square Garden.....

1933 was also the year of ..

The great USA Gold confiscation
The USA started the birth certificate scam
The UK started the birth certificate scam
American Prohibition ended December 1933

1939 also known for ...

End of The Great Depression (1929-1939)
just in time for WW2, after financially ruining millions of people.

Oh and Adolf Hitler was controlled opposition, his father was a zionist (like many Nazis, who come from the Ashkenazi Khazars).

Adolf Hitler was a Rothschild, his mother, Klara Pölzi was an Austrian Maid who worked and lived in the Austrian home of Salomon Meyer Freihart Von Rothschild, a prominent Austrian Banker whom she fell pregnant to. Wikipedia, a renowned deep-state source of info gives the year of death of Salomon Mayer Von Rothschild as being 1855, and the birth year of Klara Pölzi as 1860 so making it impossible for her to become pregnant by this man. However, the dates may of course have possibly been tampered with, but this is a grey area that needs clarification. Another source states that Klara was the daughter of Solomon Meyer Freihart von Rothschild and his wife Anna Maria Schicklgruber; this appears to be the truth. Nevertheless, Klara Pölzi returned to Germany and married Alois Schicklgruber who later changed his name to Alois Hitler and Klara gave birth to a boy, Adolf Hitler.

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